DSEC9 General Discussion - Mission Laptop Missing

I dont know if is the correct site, but...

A week ago my account was hacked, and they took everything from me...
The funny thing is that most of the things were at 0TT and were the result of unique missions, like VIVO or Calypso's Bukin... and that includes DSEC9's Laptop, which was at level 3...

Well... being a one-time mission, how can I get the Laptop again and start upgrading again?

Littlestar b-k

Well-Known Member
VCAT Team Member
Is that even possible? Aren't those things untradeble?

That sucks that you got hacked. Have you made a support case to MA? Even tho they'll probably won't do mutch it better to do it.
Who knows , they might actually get those things back to you.


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The DSEC9 Laptop from the main mission chain is not tradable, which means it's account bound and cant be removed from your avatar inventory or storage. I would suggest that you go to the EU account website to check your items list to see if it's there. It can't be removed from your account other than putting it in storage somewhere.

I don't know what point you are at in the mission chain, but you might want to see if you can abandon the mission and retake it, otherwise there's no way to get another Laptop.
DSEC9 Laptop item not exist... even the FAP from Mission of Cyrene... These objects arent Tradeable, but i think are "TT-able"... The bad guy hacked me TT all my items... im a poor man, and most expensive i had was the Quad... i think he TT all when he see im not a "Super-Mega-Rich-Uber"... Mot******ker....

So this is a new bug in Entropia Universe: Items not tradable now are TT-able...

I was in the Laptop 3... huntig OTIS for OS, the last part... now, lost like tears in the rain (Blade Runner dixit)...

AH!!!! another thing!!! i think Horns of Zagol must be with Viceroy, because was impossible to TT it!!!

AH!!! another thing!!! My apartmet in FOMA title was not taked... because i had items bound in the apartment, and give a error message if take it... Protection!!!


Virtualsense Official
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Sorry you're having such a frustrating time with this, but what I can offer is that as far as our part is concerned with the Laptop 03, it is being investigated, and as soon as I know anything, I'll let you know.
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