Recent content by JaNet

  1. JaNet

    Toulan Suggestions | General Discussion

    [Lizzy Storm] was asking about t-shirts and another stuff with caaats! 🐱🐯 Probably we could even upgrade this concept and wide it to Tigers, Lions, Leopards etc etc Momma Toulan, a some Mosaic Floppas, please ( Caracal caracal, Turkic . qara qulaq — «чёрное ухо»\"black ear" ) Is that kinda...
  2. JaNet

    Toulan Suggestions | General Discussion

    Strongly updooting for socks! My birthday gift, haha :D And i've send a few pairs witn "Scream" (Ed. Munk) and some Vinny 1Gogh prints to my friends, very funny trend :D
  3. JaNet

    Mining around Toulan

    [System]: Added waypoint to map: [Planet Toulan, 132514, 93384, 109, Cave Sap] [System]: Added waypoint to map: [Planet Toulan, 132509, 93482, 103, Acid Root] [System]: Added waypoint to map: [Planet Toulan, 132478, 93623, 131, Nawa Drops] [System]: Added waypoint to map: [Planet Toulan, 132516...
  4. JaNet

    Mining around Toulan

    1) GV Zone have Binary too 2 ) Bonus , not at Toulan, but things we actually need on toulan : Caly LA #47 , Sabad AMP 1 x F105 T2 2depth 12 surveyor [System]: Added waypoint to map: [Calypso, 22403, 63085, 128, Binary Fluid] [System]: [Mathilda] has logged out [System]: Added waypoint to map...
  5. JaNet

    Mining around Toulan

    [System]: Added waypoint to map: [Planet Toulan, 131913, 90723, 105, Ghali] [System]: Added waypoint to map: [Planet Toulan, 132025, 90660, 105, Mamnoon] [System]: You received [Energy Matter Resource Deed] x (1) Value: 0.0000 PED [System]: You have claimed a resource! (Binary Fluid) [System]...
  6. JaNet

    Mining around Toulan

    [System]: You received [Energy Matter Resource Deed] x (1) Value: 0.0000 PED [System]: You have claimed a resource! (Crude Oil) [System]: You received [Energy Matter Resource Deed] x (1) Value: 0.0000 PED [System]: You have claimed a resource! (Mamnoon) [System]: Added waypoint to map: [Planet...
  7. JaNet

    Mining around Toulan

    Sure i'll do some more with setups explained so people can see how much they can get and what exactly for their crafts. Will keep my best ones for this topic :P
  8. JaNet

    Toulan Suggestions | General Discussion

    Haha my suggestions is data residue from my adventures and gossip residue from my cool new buddies 7 pg friendlist ! HIT THIS LIKE WHO ALREADY LANDED TO CAMP MY GAMER FRIENDS i'll track u and bless with some good local stuff u could use for ur fun :D And please, no AH prices talks for mats below...
  9. JaNet

    Toulan Suggestions | General Discussion

    Ye but i know coders have some aces up their sleeves but most time they just busy or coding UE5 or communicating about what needed to be coded for UE5 so can't pull em w/o demand. We're demand. If suggestions is good and likes counter is huge , DME, our SMM Mayhem Edition can make another friend...
  10. JaNet

    Toulan Suggestions | General Discussion

    Oooo! Now i'm crafting + skillpill addict , please moma Toulan bless my crafting terminal BP with ability of kinda likes on bp but ur own, wanna be able to click many times and reset counter after 100 - more likes i clicked - BP 99 likes - it's on top by default i entering terminal, i clicked...
  11. JaNet

    Mining around Toulan

    Hoho Rookie tailors u can't even imagine how heavy u can glob on TT shirts and pants with good QR but tiny kinda 15 with drops like this. Ask for some good BP , we have a lot in a capital of fashion :D [System]: You have claimed a resource! (Mamnoon) [System]: Added waypoint to map: [Planet...
  12. JaNet

    Mining around Toulan

    [System]: Added waypoint to map: [Planet Toulan, 135434, 90399, 116, Qaz Worm] [System]: Added waypoint to map: [Planet Toulan, 135602, 91269, 137, Belkar Stone] [System]: [Gopher] has logged in [System]: Added waypoint to map: [Planet Toulan, 135534, 91253, 169, Qaz Worm] [System]: Added...
  13. JaNet

    Toulan Suggestions | General Discussion

    A new BPs suggestions: A serious one: Magnetic Nawa Field Core - veh attachment crafted with Tatfu tincture Makes sleigh or another veh staying magnetized to ground while u leaving it on hill or something like this If it will be importable attachment works on another planets would be tiny...
  14. JaNet

    Guide to CUHOF instances

    May b some parts have common droprate in some instances, and some uncommon or rare, so that's how you and Eleni both could be right.
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