Recent content by Squeaks

  1. Squeaks

    Find The Missing Chapters Bug

    Yes for find the missing chapters there is an issue A few years back we were told when the mission came out a reward was to follow.. So I worked on the mission... I left for a bit and came back... I see the horns as reward only issue is i looted chapter 2 before and there is NO tick for me...
  2. Squeaks

    Nova and Blazar Frags

    Was saddening to hear that it doesnt drop on Toulan anymore.... Mayby perhaps when ul items come.... Sure no one likes the tons of it we have stored in our storages.... BUT.... Toulan is gonna miss out on alot of my peds since im close to tiering a weapon.... Why pay all those peds to buy...
  3. Squeaks

    New Item Discovered: Tab Tab Figurine

    Just a heads up I was first colonist to discover Tab Tab Figurine after finishing the Tab Tab 12k(last stage) Was given with an 8 ped out of 15 ped value..... Mayby similiar figurines are available after completing the other Quwa challenges.... Was I first person to actually grind away and...
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