Recent content by Vladington

  1. Vladington


    I have eaten of the flesh of Shogoth. I have dismantled the living machines that is the Yog. I have cast down unworthy Cultists and robbed Shub-Niggurath of her children. I have at last ascended to be part of the Orders vast and terrifying body. What a long strange journey it has been.
  2. Vladington

    Shade Harness (M) -- 1st Piece of (UL) Monria Armor Discovered

    Look what the Shublingtons dropped this morning. :) Sweethearts!
  3. Vladington


    Glory to the Elder Gods!
  4. Vladington


    I found the second chapter today!! Let's just say I had to go far, far, beyond the 10k mission for this one. :X :X :X Aaah!! Feels great!! Like a HOF!
  5. Vladington


    Thank you for your warm welcomes! :-) After almost 10.000 Shogs, I found the first chapter! … By mere random chance when I decided to go mining instead and had to defend my claim. :-X I'm psyched to continue the pursuit!!
  6. Vladington


    Hello from a humble demon trying to earn his greater horns!
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