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  1. Rex Ormunde

    Yog Perforator Global

    While small, this is the first global I've hit on Monria. Hopefully this is the first of more to come.
  2. Rex Ormunde

    Monria is too clean?

    Maybe it's just me, but I find that Monria is way too clean for a horrific world of monsters. Where are all the dead bodies? The blood? The gore? The grime? The damage caused by creatures wanting to consume the flesh/souls of those around these teleport hubs? I feel like the atmosphere of horror...
  3. Rex Ormunde

    Books (Datapads)

    There is one thing that stuck out for me in another game. The amount of books it had. I'm not even joking. If you want people to really get into the lore and stories of a game, I think in-game books are the best way to go about it. Though, in this case I'd probably go with datapads to keep with...
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