About | Virtualsense Community Assistance Team (VCAT)


Virtualsense Official
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Community & Media Manager
Virtualsense Media Team
VCAT Team Member
The Virtualsense Community Assistance Team (VCAT) is a group of community members who have volunteered time when available to assist individuals with any number of situations, such as the following:
  • direct Monria and Toulan Born new players to links at the forum with vital information
  • remove mobs from around a miner's claim and keep the area clear while they excavate the claim should they need help
  • conduct TP runs to help collect all TPs for those who need them
  • anyone who needs help should request assistance in either the Monria or Toulan chat channels
  • a VCAT member is a representative of the Monria, DSEC9 and Toulan spirit no matter what planet they are on
  • --- and available to help where needed when they are available and time permitting
If either the Monria or Toulan community comes up with more examples that might be helpful, I will add them to the above list. If you think of something, please add it in a post in this thread. We want to be as helpful as we can to make experiences more enjoyable.

ShadowDragonV and Gredrrik Malgar are the Co-Founders of VCAT which originally was the Monria Community Assistance Team (MCAT) until we added Planet Toulan and DSEC9 to our virtual family.

If you are interested in joining the VCAT Team, you can sign up here.
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