Forum Reorganization 2.0


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Just a heads up that I will start working on the forum reorganization today to make things a bit easier to find. There will be a main category section for each of our active locations (Monria, DSEC9, Toulan) and all things pertaining to each location will be placed under their respective categories. Shadow and I have been working on a new structure for quite some time now and believe that what we have come up with will be less confusing.

This is a very involved and time-consuming undertaking, so I ask that you be patient during this process. Shadow and I will also be working on updating links so that location of information is accurate. This includes all of the guides as well. When things get moved around at the forum, links get broken, so please give us time to get all of this sorted out before you start reporting things.

I will do posts along the way to let you know where I am in the initial movement of content.

Thanks for your patience while this is going on, it's appreciated.


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The new reorganization is a result of feedback over time, and having all content pertaining to each location was suggested, so we're going to give that a try to see how it works, so please be patient while this is underway so you know how it will all look and function.

Thanks :)


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BTW ... in the process of moving things, I'm moving certain categories out of my way while I get the main categories organized, so you may see some crazy stuff in the process ... pay no mind to that because it's just me making it easier on myself. :)
Is this forum so confusing?

Confusing is perhaps the wrong word.

Some content seems to be "hidden" e.g. Khaffash Marauder, Khaffash Slayer and Khaffash Queen. Most people would look under Khaffash and see the maturities etc and other info and be completely oblivious to the fact that these higher maturities exist.

Also as a hunter there are some basic things one needs to know i.e. Mob maturities, Damage types, location of maturities, loot tables. This basic info is dispersed in separate locations and someone new to Toulan or Monria would find it hard to locate it all. Many may give up and move onto something else.


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I'm not done reorganizing the forum at all, please wait until I do another post to let everyone know when I have the basics done. Also if you click on Khaffash, you will see that I did an edit and changed the title of Higher Level Maturities to Marauder/Slayer/Queen. All of the other information is there in each mob thread relating to maturities, locations, loot tables, etc with mob scans, and has been for a very long time, and none of it is hidden. Just look at the dated for when the information was posted.


Virtualsense Official
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After 9-1/2 hours on Wednesday (10/18), I think I have the forum sorted so that it's easier to find information related to our 3 locations. Some sections remained the same and some were slightly edited, but the main work was done with giving our locations their own categories and placing all information related to each location in their respective sections.

I still have some work to do, and Shadow and I need to update a gazillion links, so bear with us and be patient please. I will be working on this on Thursday (10/19), and Shadow will get to her forum areas as soon as possible.

Would appreciate it if you didn't start reporting broken links until I have done another post here that we have finished updating links, then if you find something broken, please let us know.

Please take the time to scroll through the forum to familiarize yourself with the changes to get an idea of where everything is ... it's likely that if you have any bookmarks on a sticky in the game with links they may not be correct.

Thank You


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There are 15 categories, and then identifying sections under each category easily seen and accessible without hunting for something. I've seen the other forums and they're not that different. The Calypso forum has 9 categories that show multiple sub-categories with many subsections showing. The Planet Calypso Discussion category has 15 sub-categories and 22 sub-sections in that category alone. Except for Next Island, they all use the XenForo forum software, they just chose a different layout.

The one thing to keep in mind as well is, that we have 3 very distinct locations, and DSEC9 has 3 separate and unique map sections. If I hide things behind a single category, then I believe it would be confusing. I put all info related to each location in their own category, and listed the relevant info so it's easily seen and not hidden. Some sub-categories are there because they need to be as they have multiple listings. I didn't want to use just one DSEC9 category because each map location gets quite busy at times, and having to search through several sub-sections is what some said they didn't want to do.

Sub-sections are shown with a down arrow, and clicking on them shows you exactly what's there without having to actually go into the sub-category, but the sub-categories already define what that section is about.

I don't think it's that challenging to scroll through the forum to easily find what you're looking for ... I just don't have all the sub-sections showing in much smaller print like the Caly forum does. I did a test to see how many scrolls on my mouse it would take to get from the top of the Caly forum to the bottom, and the same for our forum, and interestingly enough, both took 16 scrolls.

I'll be working on updating links today, and I'll do another post to let you know when I have completed that, but Shadow has to do her sections as well. She does a lot of volunteer work to get valuable info at the forum so that it's beneficial to everyone.


Virtualsense Official
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Just an update that Shadow and I spent time today (Thurs 10/19) updating links that were broken during the reorganization of the forum. Fortunately, so far, there haven't been a large number of them, but we still have more work to do and will continue to tweak what we find. I also have to go through our quarterly magazines to update links as well, so that's another project, but we'll get to it all over the next several days to make sure that we catch as much as we can.

I will continue to give updates, and after my final link update post, then if anyone should come across a broken link, please report it here, but wait until I give the all clear that we are both finished with what we have to do first.

Thank You


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Under the Toulan section, I created a separate CUHOF / CARD Instances & NawaCore Information so it can be readily found. I am still in forum tweak mode, so you'll see more adjustments over time. I am also continuing to check to make sure links aren't broken.


New Member
for certain things i believe should be common, liek for example, trade i'd prefer it to be Virtualsense trade for all sectors, would save time spamming 3 different sections of forum, just a tought.


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for certain things i believe should be common, liek for example, trade i'd prefer it to be Virtualsense trade for all sectors, would save time spamming 3 different sections of forum, just a tought.

Not all trade items are universal though.
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