Yamato Warp Schedule Changes | Effective Friday, Nov 5th


Virtualsense Official
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Community & Media Manager
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A Bit of History

When we created our Yamato Warp Service in early January 2016, it was not with the intent of being a full-on warp service like others provide across the universe, but rather as a benefit to our community and especially to our Monrian Born as a free space travel benefit. It wasn't long after that we extended the free space travel benefit to apartment and shop owners on Monria. We also chose to only provide the warp service on Fridays and Sundays, which holds true to this day, except for when the weekend-long Toulan monthly event is in play, then it's Thursday and Monday.

We eventually added a paying passenger fee for those who expressed an interest in traveling with us on Fridays and Sundays, and that fee to this day is still 6 PEDs. We don't have a lot of paying passengers at all, and as mentioned, we don't operate a full-on warp service, there are plenty of those available. We are more focused on our community and giving them an opportunity to travel across the universe. We set up our warp service as we did with everyone needing to sign up to be added to the Yamato guest list because we needed to keep the free travelers separate from the paying passengers.

Also, any fees collected go to the Yamato Crew, Virtualsense takes nothing.

Last year Aug 19th we added Toulan to our virtual family, and at that time, we also extended the free space travel benefit to Toulan Born, as well as apartment and shop/booth owners. Both our Monrian Born and Toulan Born have their own exclusive outfits to identify them. We also have a listing of who owns apts/booths/shops.

We set up how we ran our warp service route so that our shop/booth owners and those selling from Shopkeepers in apartments would have time to be able to do business at each location we stop and re-board the Yamato with either the first or final summons. Over time, we added all planets to our warp schedule route, and after we added Toulan to our virtual family we also added an additional Toulan stop at the beginning of the route to give them an option to do business and get back home at the end of the route with another Toulan stop before ending the warp schedule back at Monria.

Warp Schedule Changes Effective Friday, Nov 5th
  • the warp schedule route remains the same, as does the first and final summons at each planet Space Station
  • however, we will no longer do low-orbit or planet atmosphere drops except for Calypso
  • --- we will be warping directly to planet Space Stations, except as mentioned above for Calypso
  • each passenger is responsible for their own transportation to a planet from Space Stations
  • --- we cannot guarantee a ride, but if you board the Yamato ...
  • --- you can ask in Force chat if anyone else is flying to the planet of your choice and if you can hitch a ride
  • --- if not, then you have a choice to either fly down to a planet from a Space Station yourself, or take the Teleporter
  • --- however, except for Monria (a moon, not a planet), there is a 7 PED fee
The reasons we are doing this is:
  • the space area at low-orbit or planet atmosphere is PvP but not lootable
  • this is the same from planet Space Stations to their planet
  • while it's convenient to exit the Yamato hangar portal directly into the planet, there are other considerations
  • currently, we have a small Yamato Crew and we have provided both a Pilot and Flight Manager
  • --- the Flight Manager recorded every passenger who requested low-orbit or planet atmosphere drop
  • --- we have written scripts for both Pilot and Flight Manager and the amount of time involved is quite a bit
  • our Pilots were also responsible for communicating with our passengers in the Shoutbox at the forum
  • --- due to the way our operation has worked, this required a lot more activity than will be needed going forward
  • we want to manage our crew's time more efficiently
  • with the changes, we will no longer require a Flight Manager
  • the Monria Fleet Manager will manage all hangar operations which will be significantly reduced due to changes
Eleni and I calculated an approximate amount of time it takes to fly from each planet's Space Station to their planet:
(tests were done using a Quad Interceptor flying out the portal of the Yamato MS at each Space Station)


We are not changing anything with our warp schedule route, or the times of our summons at each Space Station, so those traveling with us to more than one planet for business, still have enough time to get to the planet from the Space Stations and be able to catch either the first or final summons to re-board the Yamato.

Passenger Responsibility
  • make sure you are aware of our Warp Schedule and Warp Schedule Fees if it applies
  • when you board the Yamato, we won't be asking you where you want to go anymore
  • --- NOTE ... for paying passengers, please see the Monria Fleet Manager to make trip payment
  • --- for those going to low-orbit or planet atmosphere at Calypso ...
  • --- the announcement will be made in the forum Shoutbox when it's time to log in
  • for those who wish to sign up for our warp service, you can do so here
  • --- be sure to follow the instructions in the first post ... including doing the 8 posts to see the forum Shoutbox
  • --- this is where we communicate with our passengers during a warp schedule
  • --- it's to alert them when we have arrived at their destination and that it's time to log in
  • make sure you have all planets and space downloaded so there is no delay in the warp schedule
  • --- this is especially true for new players
  • you are responsible for your own space transportation to a planet from the Space Stations
  • you are responsible for watching the forum Shoutbox to know when we are at your destination
  • the warp schedule linked above tells you when we are at each planet Space Station
  • --- you are responsible for knowing when the first and final summons will be going out at each location
  • --- do not be underground or in an instance
  • --- if you are already at a Space Station, you can take the Space Station teleporter up to the Yamato after it has arrived
  • once the announcement is made in the forum Shoutbox that we are at a specific location
  • --- it is your responsibility to log in and exit the Yamato -- we will not wait any longer than we have to
  • --- we like to keep our warp schedules on time
These changes should not be disruptive in your space travel, outside of flying from a planet Space Station down to the planet, but the time required to do so is miniscule, and as with low-orbit/atmospheric entrance to the planet, PvP is non-lootable. There is also plenty of time to do business and re-board the Yamato.

Again, these changes will take place effective Friday, Nov 5th, so please familiarize yourself with the information that you need in order to make sure that your personal space travel goes smoothly.

If you have any questions, please let me know ... and as always, thank you for your support and participation.

A major shout-out to the Yamato Crew who have been incredibly dedicated and in the trenches with me every week ...
you are simply awesome. 💜


Virtualsense Official
Staff member
Community & Media Manager
Virtualsense Media Team
VCAT Team Member
I did an edit to the first post to indicate that the tests to determine the time to fly from the SSs to the planets was done with a Quad Interceptor flying out the portal of the Yamato Mothership at each Space Station -- times may vary using a Sleipnir.
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