Yamato Warp Schedule Dispute | Friday, Mar 19th

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Ситуация, которая произошла со мной недавно. Постараюсь вкратце описать основные тезисы.

Я находился на планете Тоулан. Меня корабль Ямато призвал на свой борт, я обрадовался тому что смогу бесплатно долететь до Монрии, своей Родины. Безопасно смогу перевезти свой груз. Известный факт что с Монрии можно за 7ПЕД телепортироваться на Калипсо.

Я вел разговор с известным мне пилотом Ямато Leent, поскольку он - русскоязычный. Я выяснил курс Ямато. И у него спросил когда будет телепорт. Он мне ответил, что в 30 минут. Я подошел к компьютеру в 28 минут и ждал, ничего не происходило. Я его спросил что происходит? он сказал что они варпнулись к другой планете. И у нас завязался конфликт из-за недопонимания того что такое суммон и что такое варп. И я полностью признаю, что бесполезно спорить с пилотом Ямато. Этот человек абсолютно черствый, он спросил - "А что тебя не было на борту?", Но он сам мог визуально в этом убедиться, но ему было всё равно, он этого не сделал. После получасовой полемики в личном сообщении с пилотом Ямато Leent, мне написал на английском языке аккаунт менеджер Ямато, я не понял что он мне говорит и я ответил то, что я не понимаю что он говорит, попросил его писать на русском, моем родном языке. Он мне написал еще пару предложений, которых я не понял, поскольку не владею английским языком, а потом я уже понял, что меня забанили, как пассажира на корабле Ямато. Я лично не вижу взаимосвязи между нашем недопониманием с пилотом Ямато Leent и моим баном на корабле Ямато, как пассажира.

Хотел написать DME, но она уже 15 дней оффлайн.

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A situation that happened to me recently. I will try to briefly describe the main points.

I was on the planet Toulan. The Yamato ship called me on board, I was glad that I could fly to Monria, my homeland, for free. I can safely transport my cargo. It is a known fact that from Monria you can teleport to Calypso for 7PED.

I had a conversation with the pilot Yamato Leent known to me, since he is a Russian-speaking. I figured out the Yamato course. And he asked when there would be a teleport. He told me that in 30 minutes. I went to the computer at 28 minutes and waited, nothing happened. I asked him what was going on? he said they warped to another planet. And we had a conflict because of a misunderstanding of what a summon is and what a warp is. And I fully admit that it is useless to argue with the Yamato pilot. This person is absolutely callous, he asked - "And you weren't on board?", But he could visually verify this himself, but he didn't care, he didn't. After a half-hour controversy in a personal message with the pilot Yamato Leent, the account manager of Yamato wrote to me in English, I did not understand what he was saying to me and I replied that I did not understand what he was saying, asked him to write in Russian, my native language. He wrote me a couple more sentences, which I did not understand, because I do not speak English, and then I realized that I was banned as a passenger on the Yamato ship. I personally do not see the relationship between our misunderstanding with the Yamato Leent pilot and my ban on the Yamato ship as a passenger.

I wanted to write DME, but it has been offline for 15 days.


Virtualsense Official
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Terpsy ... I operate the Monria Fleet Manager staff avatar specifically for ship duties during our warp schedules, so regarding the incident during Friday's warp schedule, you were talking directly to me behind the Monria Fleet Manager after your exchange with Leent, who is our Yamato Crew Flight Manager.

I was immediately made aware of what took place between you and Leent and saw the chat log, which is why I PM'd you as the Monria Fleet Manager wanting to know what your problem was. You told me to write to you in Russian, but I don't communicate with community members in their native languages, and it is widely known that only English is used in our in-game chat channels, as well as at this forum and in PM in the game. I responded to you in English and you kept telling me to write to you in Russian, which is odd, because every other written exchange we've ever had dating back to 2019 has always been in English, including in the Monria chat channel, which I promptly gave you examples of, so I know that you can communicate in English, even if you have to translate it from Russian first.

I was in the middle of managing our warp schedule, as well as supporting our Yamato Crew, and since our warp schedule is very time based, I didn't have time to translate every message into Russian before responding to you, nor should I be expected to. Except for chat channels specifically created for other languages, the main chat channels for every planet and trade channel is English only.

Leent spoke with you in Russian because he understands it and felt it would be more helpful that way to explain things, but you gave Leent a very trying time and were rude. You were also rude to me as well in our PM exchange, but this isn't the first time. You've been rude to me in chat channels before, as well as in-game PMs, and I've also had complaints from others about your behavior.

We provide a service to the community, and especially to our passengers, and being rude and disruptive during last Friday's warp schedule with Leent interfered with him and the rest of the Yamato Crew from performing our service to other passengers in a timely manner. This is why I told you I was going to remove you from the Yamato Guest List. We can't have people disrupting our warp schedule and causing us to be late getting other passengers where they need to be on time.

Perhaps in the future I'll give consideration to reinstating you on the Yamato guest list, but not right now.


New Member
Я так не могу понять, кто со мной общался? У вас сто лиц и сто аккаунтов. От лица Менеджера Флота вы ДМЕ со мной общались? Я же писал вам, что не понимаю, того что вы мне пишете и просил писать на русском языке, учитывая факт, что вы написали мне, а не я вам, а это элементарная вежливость, писать на языке собеседника.

I can't understand who communicated with me? You have one hundred faces and one hundred accounts. On behalf of the Fleet Manager, did you DME communicate with me? I wrote to you that I do not understand what you are writing to me and asked me to write in Russian, given the fact that you wrote to me, and not I to you, and this is elementary politeness, to write in the language of the interlocutor.


New Member
1. Я не могу понять взаимосвязи, между личным общением с Leent и тем, что мне пишет менеджер флота, где взаимосвязь? Я могу с кем угодно лично общаться, причем тут личное общение к профессиональной деятельностью?
2. Я не могу понять почему, если мне в личные сообщения пишет человек, он не может общаться на понятном мне, русском языке.
3. Я не понимаю, в чем конкретно заключается моя вина? В том что я вам лично не нравлюсь?

Получается конфликтная ситуация с русскоязычным пилотом Ямато, в личном общении. После которого мне пишет Менеджер Флота(Ямато) на непонятном мне языке, я прошу писать на русском, на что мне сообщают, что мне бан на Ямато. Это за то, что я не знаю английский язык что ли?

1. I cannot understand the relationship, between personal communication with Leent and what the fleet manager writes to me, where is the relationship? I can communicate with anyone personally, where does personal communication have to do with professional activity?
2. I cannot understand why, if a person writes to me in private messages, he cannot communicate in Russian, understandable to me.
3. I don’t understand what exactly is my fault? Is it that you personally don't like me?

It turns out a conflict situation with the Russian-speaking pilot Yamato, in personal communication. After which the Fleet Manager (Yamato) writes to me in a language I do not understand, I ask to write in Russian, to which they tell me that I am banned from Yamato. Is it because I don't know English or what?
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Virtualsense Official
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And you continue to be rude. Funny how since 2019 you have always communicated with me in English in chat channels and in private messages in the game, yet now you are dictating that others should write to you in Russian. Sorry, it doesn't work that way.

I manage the Virtualsense Space Travel Program and we were in the middle of providing a service to our passengers. However, your exchange with Leent, who is our Yamato Crew Flight Manager was very disruptive and it caused issues with us being able to efficiently provide that service to other passengers. I tried to resolve the issue by sending a PM to you and asked what your problem was, but as mentioned above, you decided you didn't want to communicate with me in English and told me to write to you in Russian. You were rude to me as well in that PM, as you have been in the past while writing in English, and we couldn't have our warp service disrupted further.

I have full knowledge and evidence of what took place during last Friday's Yamato warp schedule, including my own attempted communication with you to resolve the issue, but you have made it clear that you don't want to cooperate, but rather continue to be disrespectful and disruptive.

As such, this exchange will go nowhere and won't be resolved, so I am closing this thread. Please don't start a new one.
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