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  1. Stig

    Clothes max TT increase..

    The following toulan clothes of mine have had a SIGNIFICANT increase in max TT. Leaving me to look like a bum due to them being all tattered with no repair. The following items have been increased to 350 ped max TT Motamared hat Jassem Pants Jassem Hat Jassem Coat Wow now I need to pay...
  2. Stig

    Higher level weapons

    Would be nice with some higher level weapons that one actually could use to hunt :D . Anyways after returning to this game after a break I still find this planet extremely enjoyable, I hope to see some of you out there!
  3. Stig

    Sunjoq maturity name

    Sunjoq mature shows as "Sunjoq Matura". Another small thing :p
  4. Stig

    Bahri levels

    I think mob levels are too low concerning all mobs on this planet. It feels like every creature could be levelled at least 5 higher than they currently are. Anyways to the issue at hand. Bahri Prowlers are lvl 12. Bahri Stalkers are lvl 10. Nothing major but could be nice and easy to fix. Ty...
  5. Stig

    LOVING the music

    The music is really epic and makes me happy :D Actually playing this game with sound on for the first time in 3 years :cool:
  6. Stig

    Sahra MK2 (L)

    Small upgrade from the MK1. Not much to say :D
  7. Stig

    ARD Excavator M2 (L)

    Nice excavator looks supersweet.
  8. Stig

    Good times with the Kaffash!

    Had a bit of fun mining in PvP with my Kaffash followers.
  9. Stig

    Sabad Finder M2 (L)

    Well it cost me, but I got it:D
  10. Stig

    Animal oil residue

    Animal oil residue joins the loot pool as the servers went down for an update
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