Looking for these items at these markups (subject to change without notice)
Blausarium 100.3
Garcen 109
Belkar 104
Oil 100.5
Root acid 100.5
Pearl sand 122
Ares powder 100.8
lysterium 101.3
robot low loss cable 101.5
robot weapon grip 109
robot heat sinks 106
robot filter 100.8
animal eye oil 100.5
animal thyroid oil 100.3
animal liver oil 100.4
animal muscle oil 101
animal adrenal oil 100.6
animal pancreas oil 100.3
animal liver oil 100.4
animal kidney oil 100.6
I buy on all planets, just contact me here or in game to arrange time and place
Visit my shops in calypso, medusa mall floor 4 shop 3, in rocktropia, Tangerine (the biggest shop at the teleport), in monria, Chtulhu tower shop 6, in Arakadia, Celeste North 1 and in FOMA, shop 34.
Blausarium 100.3
Garcen 109
Belkar 104
Oil 100.5
Root acid 100.5
Pearl sand 122
Ares powder 100.8
lysterium 101.3
robot low loss cable 101.5
robot weapon grip 109
robot heat sinks 106
robot filter 100.8
animal eye oil 100.5
animal thyroid oil 100.3
animal liver oil 100.4
animal muscle oil 101
animal adrenal oil 100.6
animal pancreas oil 100.3
animal liver oil 100.4
animal kidney oil 100.6
I buy on all planets, just contact me here or in game to arrange time and place
Visit my shops in calypso, medusa mall floor 4 shop 3, in rocktropia, Tangerine (the biggest shop at the teleport), in monria, Chtulhu tower shop 6, in Arakadia, Celeste North 1 and in FOMA, shop 34.