Creating a Monria and/or Toulan Avatar


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Many do their due diligence when it comes to Entropia Universe before making a decision as to where they want to start their avatars. It's always good to know not only what is available to you as a player, but also how you may fare better in one place or another.

We added Planet Toulan to our Virtualsense family on August 19, 2020 ... and on June 1st 2021 expanded Monria with a new dimension, DSEC9. We now have full control over the Toulan/DSEC9 development process and able to elevate the player experience to new levels. We will continue to do this over time with each Version Update (VU). As a side-note, with any changes made to Monria, we have to work with MA's team because Monria is a Moon and on Calypso's server. DSEC9 is actually in Toulan's territory and on a different server.

We have expanded and built out the 3 map sections at DSEC9, with the 3rd and final map section being Mountain of Madness with four Dynamic Wave Events that give the Elder Gods Suit with a 20% increase in run speed, as well as the Shub Spine with 20kg increased carry weight. We also added a proper new player beginners mission chain with items and ammo at the Mountain of Madness. The details of this beginners mission chain can be found at A Stranger in the Woods with step by step instructions with graphics and dialogue.

After you have reviewed both the Monria, DSEC9 and Toulan information at this forum, and have decided you want to join us either as a Monrian Born or Toulan Born avatar, then do the following:
  • first, right click on this Virtualsense Website link and open link in Incognito Window
  • it will take you directly to our Virtualsense Website in Incognito mode
  • then at the top of the page ... click on either Monria or Planet Toulan for where you want to create your avatar
  • then click on PLAY NOW ... the Entropia Universe page will come up for you to create your account
  • there is a Monria and/or Planet Toulan key code associated with either Monria or Toulan
  • follow the instructions to create your account and then log into the game using your email and password
  • REMINDER ... you are only allowed one Entropia Universe avatar according to MA's rules

NOTE ... Monria doesn't have its own beginner area so new Monrian Born avatars must go through the Planet Calypso beginner training at Thule first where you will get items and ammo, but at the end of the training you will meet up with Lt Smith who will offer you a way to transport to Monria where you will end up at the Monria Hub teleporter. Also, after creating your Monrian Born avatar, in the beginning you will be wearing the Calypso jumpsuit, but as soon as you exit the building you should be able to see your exclusive Monrian Born shirt of white with black trim and the logo on the back.

However, Monrian Born now have an option to go to DSEC9 and the Mountain of Madness to do the beginners mission chain that gives items and ammo, but also opens up other missions that are helpful in expanding game play. Follow the instructions in the following thread to navigate getting to DSEC9 from Monria and ultimately to the Mountain of Madness and the beginners mission chain.

Navigating Monria / DSEC9 to get to the Mountain of Madness

Do not remove your Monrian Born shirt or you won't be able to get it back on over the jumpsuit and will be pantsless. However, there is a mission on Toulan at NPC Nadira in Guardian Village where you have the opportunity to get your Monrian Born pants, and you also are eligible as a Monrian Born to do the Toulan beginners mission chain for items and ammo that begins at the Citadel with NPC Salam.

If you choose to create your avatar on Planet Toulan, you first go through a welcoming room in a building where you can gain information via NPCs. There is a teleporter (TP) just outside the building that you take to your beginning point at the Citadel on the platform where you will meet Salam, this is where you will start your beginner missions, and also receive items and ammo. Monrian Born are also eligible to do the Toulan Born beginner mission chain on Toulan to get items and ammo.

For both Monrian Born and Toulan Born, there is a mission on Toulan where you can get your specially designed and exclusive pants to complete your outfit. See NPC Nadira at Guardian Village to do the mission.

This forum was organized with information pertaining to Monria, Toulan and DSEC-9 and easy to find what information you need. Please take the time to have a look around to familiarize yourself with the categories and sections.

The Virtualsense Development Team used to be the Monria Team, and we have been together for 7+ years as a team (Nov 26th) with a dedicated focus on community, but we have also spent nearly all of our 18 years in the game as friends and family, and game players prior to connecting as a team to develop a more enjoyable experience on our beloved moon Monria, and now DSEC-9 and Planet Toulan. We now get to pump up the volume with future development with an additional focus on community suggestions/feedback.

If you choose to give Monria or Toulan a try, you will be joining a very welcoming blended community that spans both Monria, Toulan and now DSEC-9. We are united in our efforts to provide the best community and player experience possible, but our current community members can best express what that means.

We don't claim to be for everyone, but we will always give it our best. :)


New Member
I updated the first post with an additional step toward creating either a Monrian Born or Toulan Born avatar.
Hi, i have a problem with create account from Monria
I delete cookie and cache, going for link in Incognito window, but in link for register window i not have ccode "Monria", i take only this link with different numbers Entropia Universe - Create Your Entropia Universe Account. But when i do all for Toulan, link have word "Toulan".
And when register end, in client i have Calypso avatar.
Can you help me register Monria Avatar?)


Virtualsense Official
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Hi, i have a problem with create account from Monria
I delete cookie and cache, going for link in Incognito window, but in link for register window i not have ccode "Monria", i take only this link with different numbers Entropia Universe - Create Your Entropia Universe Account. But when i do all for Toulan, link have word "Toulan".
And when register end, in client i have Calypso avatar.
Can you help me register Monria Avatar?)

This is the portion of the first post that you need to pay attention to please ... follow the instructions exactly:

After you have reviewed both the Monria and Toulan information at this forum, and have decided you want to join us either at Monria or Toulan, then do the following:
  • first, right click on this Virtualsense Website link and create a new Incognito window
  • it will take you directly to our Virtualsense Website in Incognito mode
  • then at the top of the page ... click on the link for either Monria or Planet Toulan for where you want to create your avatar
  • then click on PLAY NOW ... the Entropia Universe page will come up for you to create your account
  • there is a Monria and/or Planet Toulan key code attached to it in the URL
  • --- for Monria it's -> new-account/?ccode=affimoon131205
  • follow the instructions to create your account and then log into the game using your email and password
Remember that if you are creating a Monrian Born avatar, you will still have to go through the beginner training at Thule on Calypso, and until you walk out the door of the initial you're in where you start, you won't see your Monria Born shirt. Your first mission will be "Target Practice" and then several other beginning missions. At the end you will meet Lt Smith and be transported to Monria.

The steps above work because there have been several who have used them to create either a Monrian Born or Toulan Born avatar.

Please give it another try and follow the steps exactly. :)


Virtualsense Official
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Just a reminder that we have a Virtualsense Official Website, but also information in the first post of this thread on how to create a Monrian Born or Toulan Born avatar. There are specific instructions in the first post on how to do this to basically guarantee that you get the avatar that you want ... that's if you want a Monrian Born or Toulan Born avatar only.


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What is the key code to be born on Toulan?

Follow the instructions "exactly" in the first post of this thread ...
  • right click on the Virtualsense Website link
  • choose to open a new tab in Incognito, or whatever similar choice your browser gives you
  • you will be taken to the Virtualsense Website
  • at the top right where it says Join Now, click on Toulan
  • you can then create your account using your email
  • when you log into the game, use that email and your password and it will take you to the avatar creation room
  • there you will create your avatar and using the features available to you
  • once you are satisfied with how your avatar looks, and you have chosen the required 3 names ...
  • click on Exit
  • you will then appear at the Citadel on Toulan in front of Salam where your new player missions begin

The Toulan beginners mission chain is bugged right now and a fix is in, but it can't be implemented without a VU (Version Update) or a Patch which happens the week after, so it won't be available until the beginning of June.

However, there are other missions and activities that new players can do to help them skill in the meantime, including the mission to get your Toulan Born pants.

I'm going to be in the game a good chunk today because we have our monthly Toulan event going on, so I'll look for you. Be sure to join the Toulan chat channel to connect with our amazing community ... in the chat box typing area, type --> /join #toulan

Catch up soon. :)


New Member
Good afternoon, I really wanted to create an avatar for Monria, 5 accounts were created, but nothing worked out for me, I deleted them. Then I found this forum and did everything as written in the first post, and when I got to Lieutenant Smith, he transferred me to Calypso, I'm very offended. Photo attached. Help me please!!!!


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Virtualsense Official
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Good afternoon, I really wanted to create an avatar for Monria, 5 accounts were created, but nothing worked out for me, I deleted them. Then I found this forum and did everything as written in the first post, and when I got to Lieutenant Smith, he transferred me to Calypso, I'm very offended. Photo attached. Help me please!!!!

Hello Anastasiia ... I'll catch up with you in the game hopefully sometime today, but I have ship duties in a while and will be operating the Monria Fleet Manager staff avatar ... I can still contact you during ship duties and hopefully either before or after we can get this sorted.


Virtualsense Official
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I updated the first post with additional information regarding Monrian Born and Toulan Born avatars, but the instructions on how to create either still remains the same and you have to follow them exactly.


Virtualsense Official
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I use the Chrome browser and when I right click on the Virtualsense Website link in the first post it gives me the following options:
  • Open link in new Tab
  • Open link in new Window
  • Open link in Incognito Window
I don't know what other browsers might have but maybe using the Open link in new Window might work as well.


Virtualsense Official
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I just tested all 3 options and they all take you to the Virtualsense Website where you can complete the process.
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