Dark Moon vs Cultist K'Tans | 36 x 3 (Video)


Virtualsense Official
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That's right, I'm bad. :p

I wanted to see if I could get video footage of my experiences with the new armor and the Cultist K'Tans. I got 3 of them to join me for some fun. There's no editing of the video, and no healing, even got a Global on the 2nd Cultist K'Tan which was cool to capture on film.

I'm loving the new armor, and don't regret getting it, because it's fun being a big kid with a new toy. :clap

One of these days, I'm going to find the perfect damage dealing weapon too. :D

I decided to focus on hunting, and leave the mining to the boss. Maybe he'll hire me as a body guard. :paddle

Ok, playtime is over and I need to get some work done. :rolleyes


Virtualsense Official
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Don't forget to sneak some more funtime along with the work!

No worries, I'll manage to get a bit of hunting time in there now and then, but I really have to focus on my projects and work with Kendra and Rosa on some things to get them sorted, and get back to the media website. These things aren't going to get done if I don't tackle them, and they are critical to where we're going.

BTW -- I like how the animations of the Cultists kinda fit with the music. Sorta like their fight song. :D


Virtualsense Official
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DME, when I grow up I want to be like you deary. Just a boss miner and taking on 3 level 36 mobs. I tip my hat to you. : )

That's sweet Woulfy, but I'm still a newbie in big girl clothing. :D

If it weren't for the new armor, I'd be a mess. Level 23 BLP Sniper (Hit) needs accessories. :p

I'm also going to leave the mining to the boss and focus on hunting, but at least my Iron Woman armor helps. :clap
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