DSEC9 Bug Reports | General Discussion

Eugenio Anhithe Wilde

Moon Manager
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Virtualsense Media Team
Here's a new one

The [Ram 8GB] and all the other items are not stackable, they don't merge.

The 3rd laptop mission is still not accesable

Hey KB, I'll have a look into whats stackable and not.

On the laptop mission, I'm wondering if it is related to it being attempted before the fix went in. I'm going to recreate the scenario and have a look into it.
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Eugenio Anhithe Wilde

Moon Manager
Staff member
Virtualsense Media Team
Looks to me like the laptop fix wasnt fixed, and im still hoping for something to happen to the armor drops.... I get that it needs to be hard, but this is close to a NPE, and im about to bail on it untill i see a change, not trying to be a downer, but 8 days with 1 drop, it is what it is

Hey Hally, having a look into the laptop issue atm. There was a tweak to the loot in the patch so I'm hoping we'll see some armor discoveries. I'm monitoring and will work with MA if somethings not right.


New Member
I just did the mission to fix the otis mob now it says go to hangar but when i get there nothing happens and i can't see anything to interact with - am I being stupid or is this a bug?

btw: what's the point in having me fly from a to b for an hour when all I want to do is spend ped, it's a waste of time for me and you.

Eugenio Anhithe Wilde

Moon Manager
Staff member
Virtualsense Media Team
I just did the mission to fix the otis mob now it says go to hangar but when i get there nothing happens and i can't see anything to interact with - am I being stupid or is this a bug?

btw: what's the point in having me fly from a to b for an hour when all I want to do is spend ped, it's a waste of time for me and you.

Hey Slither,

The objective is triggered by walking into the area where the way point is, its like a box. Try walking around and jumping. For some reason the area detection seems a little buggy for some players, not sure why it may be lag so we may change these to interactive objects in the future.

On the mission format this is because of feedback we've received requesting more interactive storyline missions so we're trying to add more of that kind of content rather than the normal grind missions where we can. Thanks for the feedback though we can have a look in the future at ways for people to bypass the story line missions or give different content as options.


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I can confirm that workstation computer 3 and 4 are now working. Thank you

Entropia 2021-06-08 22.05.09.jpg


New Member
Hey Slither,

The objective is triggered by walking into the area where the way point is, its like a box. Try walking around and jumping. For some reason the area detection seems a little buggy for some players, not sure why it may be lag so we may change these to interactive objects in the future.

On the mission format this is because of feedback we've received requesting more interactive storyline missions so we're trying to add more of that kind of content rather than the normal grind missions where we can. Thanks for the feedback though we can have a look in the future at ways for people to bypass the story line missions or give different content as options.

I walked around the area a lot, guess i'll have to try some jumping.

I get that some people like storylines, but others just want to get on with things- so thanks for looking into the possibilty of skipping these kinds of things.

BTW: I tried to reset my password but no email came though (i tried twice) so I had to start a new account - thankfully the old googlemail.com address redirects to gmail.com


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Neglected to add the "Improved" DSEC Armor photo to my post above, but it's there now.


New Member
Not sure if it's fixable but the Broken Parts Mission. If you log out after getting it and log back in you have to wait a few minutes and let the system catch up and dismiss the mission otherwise if you get it again too soon it will dismiss the new mission. Logged in, got mission, hour later logged out. 7+ hours later logged in and got it again but the system hadn't "caught up" to realize mission timer and cooldown were both over with. A few minutes later it aborted the new mission. Doesn't really need "fixing" if everyone knows to wait a few minutes after logging in so the system can catch up


MoM has a secret backdoor. [DSEC - 9 , 40870, 17806, 175, Waypoint] There is a slope you can walk up like you are going to the top of the Mountain. But about half the scene flips and you are standing by the revive at the Pyramid of Shut'hend.
Entropia 2022-08-31 19.12.28.jpg


While hunting DSEC TALUS (obviously on DSEC9), I killed one and received the message "Mission updated (How about those Bahris.)".
I understand that DSEC TALUS are essentially Dahhar, but why would the Bahri Plushie mission progress? This doesn't seem right.

Note that the mission "Kill 100 Bahri" did not progress.


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I'll take a look...
Fix will be in next VU
Thanks Jalia :thumbsup
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