EAG Sweat Buying Program

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Darth Revan Reborn

Active Member
Note - 11th May 2020: Need to put a temporary hold on this program as I am not able to be in game on a regular basis. Covid-19 has tripled my IRL workload and leaves little room for EU or schedules. Will remove the hold once things start getting back to normal.

Hello fellow Monrians,

I am occassionally in need of sweat to fund some crafting adventures. Now i could go to Caly and buy sweat at 1ped/k (and buy a ton of it), but that does not help out the new players to this game that are still getting their feet wet. So i have come up with a program designed to help those who cannot afford to deposit at this time but still want to be able to go out and have some fun.

DME buys sweat from Monrians for the first 3 months of their Monrian life under the rules found here: Monrian born program. She buys them at 2ped/K up to 3K per day. I would like to extend out from that with my program and offer those who have completed their 3 months, the opportunity to sell sweat to me for a further 9 months. This will give the new Monrians more of a chance to experience the game and get to know the community.

Update 7th April 2020 - Due to the recent issues around the world, I can no longer have a set schedule for this. Instead, please PM in game and we can set up a time to trade.
in-game name: Darth Revan Reborn
EAG Sweat Buying Times/Locations

Total Funds aside for purchasing Sweat - 620 Peds
Current Funds Available - 450 Peds

Overall Lifetime Totals:
Lifetime Sweat Purchased - 340,000 Bottles
Lifetime Funds Paid - 680 Peds

I do have some rules with this though, and I also do not have as deep a pockets as DME or Ant have. :(

So here is my program:

  • Only Monrians can use this program (T-shirt required).
  • You must have completed your 3 months with the Monrian Born Program without any incidents. (I will be asking DME for a list of those who are eligiable)
  • Sweat will be purchased at 2ped/K.
  • Sometimes I may offer to buy more than the posted amount if I am unable to aquire the amount of sweat needed.
  • Once you have reached the end of the 9 months, you will no longer be eligible for this program.
  • Hopefully this will encourage new Monrians to continue sweating and storaing that sweat until i am buying, instead of giving up on the game.
  • Update 7th April 2020 - I will buy 5K per week from each new Monrian Born eligible for this program while i still have funds.

Some other stuff:
  • Please do not ask me every day if i am buying sweat, look at the forum instead as i will post when i am buying and when i have got my quota for that craft.
  • Do not ask if i am buying more sweat when selling to me, I will ask you if i am in the need for more.
  • This program is outside the Monrian Born Program and is run by me and the EAG group.
  • Rules & program is subject to change at anytime, and may be shut down if & as required.
  • Program is designed for new players to continue sweating to get skills and be able to have a venue for selling sweat at a premium price.
  • This is not designed for people to go buy sweat from Caly or other avatars at cheaper prices and turn around to sell to me. If i find out that this has happened, then that avatar will be removed from the eligible list and will not be allowed to participate in any further programs i may start.
There will most likely be other rules added later as i think of them.

I am hoping this program rules smoothly and will continue for quite a while.
Stay tuned for my first buying session.
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Darth Revan Reborn

Active Member
First Project is ready to start, 200K sweat required and messages have gone out to all those MB's that are eligible for this round. It is also on the smaller size since it's the first project, want to see how things go before I go full steam ahead.

I will start buying sweat from those i messaged from the 25th Jan onwards. Another message will go out closer to with times/locations, I will buy from both Monria and Calypso, so you do not need to make your way back to Monria.

First round is 5K per person @ 2ped/K
I will continue buying until i reach my requirements.
If i don't not reachg the 200K, then i may offer to buy more from those who have sold to me. I will message those people when/if the time comes.

Hoping this goes well and that I can do this on a regular basis so that MB's can continue to sweat for skills/ped.

Any questions you can message me on the forum, reply to this thread or PM/mail in game.


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Thanks Darth ... this should help the MBs who have completed their MB program sweat selling to me. :thumbsup

Let me know when you need an updated MB list. :)


New Member
Hello, and on what page of the forum will there be information about the time of purchases, on Monria and on Calypso?

Darth Revan Reborn

Active Member
First weekend of buying sweat went okay, numbers were a bit lower than expected but that could just be because its new :). I will be buying again this weekend and will accept another 5K sweat again from those i have already purchased from.

Since we are at the end of Jan, there will be some additional sellers based on those who graduated from the Official Monrian Born program. I will get some new messages out shortly so they can start gathering the sweat.

EDIT - Added some numbers to the first post.
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Darth Revan Reborn

Active Member
Have made some updates to the program:

Update 7th April 2020 - Due to the recent issues around the world, I can no longer have a set schedule for this. Instead, please PM in game and we can set up a time to trade.
in-game name: Darth Revan Reborn

Update 7th April 2020 - I will buy 5K per week from each new Monrian Born eligible for this program while i still have funds.

Darth Revan Reborn

Active Member
Note 11th May 2020: Need to put a temporary hold on this program as I am not able to be in game on a regular basis. Covid-19 has tripled my IRL workload and leaves little room for EU or schedules. Will remove the hold once things start getting back to normal.
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