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VCAT Team Member
It might help to understand the history of this annual human sacrifice ritual and why it has been important to continue with efforts despite failures. The Shubs have now failed four times to capture an intended human sacrifice. They shoved the fourth attempt under the rocks because it was so laughable and pathetic. First was Angel of Shadows for two years in a row, then Tina Zlobarkata, then John Black Knight
(ya, right ... like that was ever going to happen).

Perhaps it would help knowing exactly who Yog-Sothoth is, and why he is important not only to Shub-Niggurath, but in the grander scheme of things.
Yog-Sothoth is an Outer God who knows all and sees all, and a contiguous entity with all space and time, embracing the past, the present and the future. Yog-Sothoth mated with Shub-Niggurath, another Outer God, and gave birth to twin deities, Nug and Yeb. Nug sired Cthulhu, but it wasn't in the conventional way. It was through parthenogenesis, a natural form of asexual reproduction where the development of embryos occur without fertilization. (I guess that squashes your dirty thoughts)

Cthulhu is considered a Great Old One, but not a God, and since Yog-Sothoth and Shub-Niggurath are his grandparents, it all feeds into the dark side agenda.
Pleasing Yog-Sothoth has the potential of bringing knowledge of many things, but to learn too much also has the potential for courting disaster. Unfortunately, to favor this God requires the ultimate sacrifice of a human, or eternal servitude. So far, no one targeted in our community for this annual human sacrifice has been captured, and neither of them have submitted to eternal servitude.
This is why what happened between ShadowDragonV and Shub-Nigurrath in the Shub Cavern raises an eyebrow ... it looked like a heart-to-heart, and a bit of girl talk, but how much of that was posturing to throw Shadow off track ... and a false Valentines gesture of good will?
I know Shadow, and she's not easily fooled ... my guess is, she was on a recon mission to learn who they're targeting for the next human sacrifice. I've worked very closely with Shadow for years now, and she has always been proactive in bringing the dark side into the light.
I have just one question ... did she set herself up to be the next human sacrifice?
Even though Shadow can hold her own, I think we need to be vigilant and assist with a bit of protection, because Shub-Niggurath is known to employ the other creatures of Monria as a way of distracting us away from their agenda.
Let's take the initiative and make this a full-on assault against the Shubs. There are plenty of community members and allies who can handle the rest quite easily.
Time | 00:00 -to- 23:59 game time
(to determine game time -- click on your System tab in the chat box and then press U ... or
press the period key if you haven't remapped your keyboard since the graphics update)
Location | Entire Moon
- you do not need to register at EntropiaLife for this event ... globals/hofs are automatically recorded
- please ask questions in Monria chat and refrain from PM'ing DME if at all possible
- be considerate of your fellow participants during the event
- --- this includes not cluttering TP areas in the craters with vehicles and/or landing on top of people
- --- when going back out into the field, please be considerate of where you land and pick up vehicles
- --- turrets don't work during our events, so please don't drag mobs to the TP areas
- teams must have the name Monria in the team name to be eligible for prizes
- please do not use symbols in your team name so it gets into the filter for the event data spreadsheet
- please register your Team Name and Team Leader in this thread
- --- any prizes won will be given to the Team Leader for distribution
- societies cannot have more than one team name with their society name in it
- if you hire a healer and don't team, your globals/hofs will count as Solo entries
- if you team with a healer, or anyone else, your globals/hofs will count as Team entries
- all of Monria is open to those who wish to participate in the mining portion of the event
- if you get a claim in an area where you are challenged to excavate it because of mobs ...
- --- ask in Monria chat to see if any of our VCAT members are available to assist
Location | Entire Moon -- (see specific increased mob spawn locations in the link below)
Right click on the following links and open in a new tab -- these are PDF files for downloading:
Increased Mob Spawn Locations
Monria Mob Levels / HP - Wave Locations - Pets - Yogs Burrow Sweating
Also, here are links to help you navigate Monria, but also find items in shops and shopkeepers:
Right click on the links to open in a new tab.
Monria Interactive Map
Monria Shops Inventory Tool
- Iron Hunting Missions
- Daily Missions
- Mining Guild Representative Mining Missions
- The Order of the Elder Gods -- (Chapters/Horns mission)
- Toy Soldier -- (Monria Plushies mission)
This too is a downloadable PDF file -- right click and open in a new tab.
Chapters Mission -- Ant's Statement
- Single Highest Global/HoF -- Shoggoth -- Prize -- 200 PED -- Vizzanu VIZZ Nie
- Single Highest Global/HoF -- Yog -- Prize -- 200 PED -- Komeiv Gigante Iner
- Single Highest Global/HoF -- Cultist -- Prize -- 200 PED -- Heyshiro Altos Mitcurugi
- Single Highest Global/HoF -- Shub -- Prize --> 200 PED -- costel Bill Botezatu
- Highest Team Global/HoF -- Shoggoth -- Prize --> 200 PED -- Monria K0lb&Cool_guys
- Highest Team Global/HoF -- Yog -- Prize --> 200 PED -- Beech & Loren on Monria
- Highest Team Global/HoF -- Cultist -- Prize --> 200 PED -- USSR on Monria
- Highest Team Global/HoF -- Shub -- Prize --> 200 PED -- LCA Monria Aya & Jim
- Highest global/hof on any ore/enmatter -- 200 PED -- Anda StarTrek Adam
- First Lowest global on any ore/enmatter -- 100 PED -- Nigel Deatz O'Guiness
- Last Lowest global on any ore/enmatter -- 100 PED -- Truck Driver SquidGT
There was a total of 878 globals/hofs during the 24 hr event time.
You can see all of the results in Ant's spreadsheet here where individual global/hof totals are included.
Right click and open in a new tab.
- Solo Hunting, Team Hunting
- you can only win one Solo and one Team hunting prize
- you can also win a mining prize based on the following rules
- Mining
- if you get the highest global/hof and one of the lowest globals ... you win the highest
- if you win the highest, you are not eligible for either the first or last lowest global prizes
- the person who wins the first lowest global is not eligible to win the last lowest global
- if you get the first lowest global, you can continue mining toward getting the highest
- Example ... you get the first lowest global and have the first recorded time
- --- this means you win the first lowest global prize
- --- but there's an incentive to continue mining to see if you can get the highest global/hof
- --- if you do, then the person who had the lowest global with the time right after yours ...
- ---------- would win the first lowest global prize
- Additional Information
- you can win prizes in solo/team hunting and mining based on the above rules
- in case of a draw for any of the prizes, the first recorded time will apply
- Anhithe will extract the data from EntropiaLife after the event and determine the winners
- --- he will also create a gobal/hof data spreadsheet that will be posted with the results
- the results will be added to the first post in this event thread sometime on Sunday
(formerly known as the South and West Craters)
- from the DSEC Forensics Crater, go SE to the abandoned mine, follow the road
- --- coordinates of the abandoned mine are --- [38487, 19936, 31]
- --- be mindful that there are Yogs outside the abandoned mine entrance
- --- they should be mostly off to the left unless someone aggro'd them
- --- use the insta-teleporter just inside the abandoned mine
- --- this will take you to the DSEC Mining Camp crater ... capture the TP and then ...
- from the DSEC Mining Camp TP follow the road out to the abandoned mine
- --- coordinates of the abandoned mine are --- [37744, 17987, 110]
- --- use the insta-teleporter just inside the abandoned mine
- --- this will take you to the DSEC Military Camp crater ... capture the TP
Groovy Monria Moon
Lady Ladyburn Land
Everybody Monria
Team Leader: WellPlayed Cod4 WellPlayed
Sith Family on Monria
Team Leader: Sith Meister
Crowbar Crew Monria
Team Leader: Matthew Arkadian Binks
Monria Hullud
MADNESS on Monria
Team Leader: Marek ma111rek Sta
USSR on Monria
Team Leader: Morning Monria Star
LCA on Monria
Team Leader: Hadji Tarik Ling
Mad Monria
Team Leader: Mad Marcus Trell
LCA Monria Aya & Jim
Team Leader: James Jim O'Neill
CotS on Monria
Team Leader: Kingu KinguXnoX Kingu
Monria K0lb&Cool_guys
Team Leader: Tony K0lb0sa K0lbasters
Shadowhazard on Monria
Team Leader: xx Juznastrana xx
Beech & Loren on Monria
Team Leader: Beechbum
Looser and Sara at Monria
Team Leader: Looser
Titans of Space Starfleet Monria
Team Leader: John Black Knight
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