Monria In-Game Chat Channel | Code of Conduct

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Monria In-Game Chat Channel | Code of Conduct

We have had a number of issues in the past with the way we handle the Monria chat channel, and everybody has a right to their opinion, but this is not a public chat channel where anything goes.

It was established with the sole purpose of helping our Monria community, and Monria chat is a means to be able to communicate with them to disperse information and answer questions.

That’s it plain and simple.

We have very specific rules for our in-game chat for very real and important reasons.

Monria has a lot of new players, and we want them to have a safe and fun experience in the game so that they will have a chance to grow and learn in their own time.

We use the Monria chat channel during all of our events to enhance game play.

Monria chat is for in-game purposes only.

We encourage role play, fun, positive reinforcement, kindness, and respect.

We do not allow talk of real life topics or issues that may give rise to any upset or conflict, as some topics can escalate into heated discussions that cause unnecessary drama and disruption of the chat channel.

The reason for this is simple:
  • People play to immerse themselves in the game.
  • People's ideas of what's funny varies considerably.
  • People's in-game persona is not necessarily matched with their real life self.
We have a very diverse community who come together in a very small place, and differences vary, but they also matter in how we accept them and how we treat others accordingly.

Examples are age, race, religious views, political views, social and cultural background, and a host of other differences, but the one thing we all have in common is Monria, and that is what our chat channel is for, so please respect our rules and understand why they exist.

Monria Chat | Rules

The Do’s
  1. Be Helpful
  2. Be Respectful
  3. Be Kind and Considerate
  4. Be Encouraging
  5. Have Fun
The Don’ts

Rule # 1 -- no foul language; especially F-bombs in full or abbreviated form
Rule # 2 -- no trolling, rudeness, abuse, slander, hate speech or disrespect to players or staff
Rule # 3 -- no talk of politics
Rule # 4 -- no talk of religion
Rule # 5 -- no talk of any topical real life news items or issues
--- as an example, no virus talk
Rule # 6 -- buying, selling and advertising of any sort should be in the MonriaTrade channel only​

We allow anybody access to our Monria chat channel, but if rules are broken as set out above, we have a strict policy in the way we address any infractions.

Monria Chat | Rule Infraction Consequences

You will be sent a private message from the Community Manager informing you of the rule infraction, along with a link to this forum post for details. The structure of consequences is set forth below:


"You may or may not know Monria chat rules, so I am giving you the following link in order to review them. Please remember to abide by our rules."

First Offence

“You have abused rule number (x). This is your first offence. Please remember to abide by our rules."

Second Offence

“You have abused rule number (x). This is your second offence. You will be muted from Monria chat for a period of 1 week starting now. Please remember to abide by our rules."

Third Offence

“You have abused rule number (x). This is your third offence. You will be muted from Monria chat for a period of 1 month starting now. Please remember to abide by our rules."

Final Offence

“You have abused rule number (x). This is your fourth and final offence. It is clear that you have chosen not to abide by our chat rules. You will be muted from Monria chat indefinitely starting now."


This is not personal or prejudice. No conversation will be entered into on delivery of the notification of any of the above offences. Our rules and consequences for breaking them are clear.

This is to prevent any argument with, or abuse of our staff. If you ever wish to return to Monria chat in the future, you will need to show a good reason for re-entry, and you will need to take this up with the Community Manager (DME).


Virtualsense Official
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Community & Media Manager
Virtualsense Media Team
VCAT Team Member
Thanks Mal :)

Actually, Kendra is the one who drafted this Code of Conduct since I've been so busy with other projects, but this is something that Ant has wanted done for a while now. He likes that it's concise and gives a clear message, and we hope will help the community understand how important our Monria chat channel is to what we do for Monria.


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Thank you! I'm glad that this is now in writing :thumbsup
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