Virtualsense Official
Staff member
Community & Media Manager
Virtualsense Media Team
VCAT Team Member
"Anny" Divine Thundergirl
When Anny joined our Media Team, she already produced several graphic banners that you can see at the forum in event and other threads, as well as on our client loader, but was also the creative mind behind our 2017 St Patrick's Day Event video. She is our videographer and one of our graphics contributors. She created the above Media Team banner, as well as the new Monria Space Travel banner and the new Monria storyline banner showing on our client loader.
Anny is quite talented, and has proven to be quite the contributor in so many other ways which you will discover along the way. She is involved in other Monria projects that will be revealed as they are completed. She has been of extreme benefit to me personally, and to the rest of the Monria Team.
In the meantime, Anny operates the Entropia Movies website where you can see more of her work. Her creative talent with video storytelling is unique and interesting.
"Pinthas" Schmenke Dorian
Pinthas joined our Media Team a while ago after I reached out to him about the writing he did when he was a member of the original (first) Monria Management Team. He did a lot of storyline writing for Monria that was never published in its entirety. He is also the one who wrote the storyline dialogue for the mission chapters on Monria called "The Order of the Elder Gods" ... this is the collection of 4 Monria Chapters that give the Horns of Z'agol when complete and turned into NPC Pinthas Schmenke Dorian at DSEC Forensics.
Pinthas now has three Monria storyline books published that include Book 2, Historical Data Journal Entries, Book 3, Monria Discovered / The Beginning, and Book 5, Tales from the Deep.
Dark Moon Enigma (aka DM or DME)I think most know that I am an official member of the Monria Management Team, as well as Monria's Community Manager, and this position is an actual "real" job for me. I wear many hats, but my primary responsibility is Community Management, as well as overseeing our Community Initiatives Program (CIP). I'm also one of the Forum Administrators, and usually eyeball-deep in event planning, as well as a variety of media and other projects for Monria.
However, my greatest passion is writing, which is also a major part of what I do for Monria. I write storyline, press releases, articles, event content, and just about anything else that goes into print that is Monria-related.
I wrote The Kipling Chronicles that led to the discovery of the ancient journal where all of the journal entries came from that Pinthas wrote. Then wrote A Surprising Kipling/Core Connection that reveals not only the escalated danger and threat to Monria, but also new discoveries that certain members in our community aren't who you think they are.
Pinthas and I will continue to collaborate to create the ongoing official storyline as Monria evolves.
Eugenio "Anhithe" Wilde
Anhithe is the Owner/Manager of Monria and leads the Monria Management Team, but only wears one hat for everything he does (Sombrero)
and spreads himself thin across Moon space and behind the scenes often in non-stop frenetic energy making things happen. He is relentless not only with marketing Monria, but also works very closely with MindArk to ensure that we get our development plans in the pipeline. Thanks to Anhithe, our relationship with MindArk is mutually beneficial, and we can thank our MA Engineers for providing increased spawns, and even helping to elevate spontaneous chaos on the Moon during our events when we want to add the Unexpected.
Various marketing methods are always being tested, and the Media Team is always looking for new ways to bring Monria more to the public's attention, such as having a display booth at the Dublin, Ireland GamerCon convention during one of our St Patrick's Day events. I'm sure there will be more involvement at this level when opportunity presents itself.
One of the things that is very key here with Anhithe and development, is that he is inspired by storyline, and I think the community will be surprised at what will unfold over time. He writes lead-in stories with development release notes, and takes us on a journey that reveals some of the Expect the Unexpected occurrences on Monria.
Our intention is to bring some of the things in the storyline writing to life on Monria, which takes time, but that is our direction. So if you haven't paid too much attention to the storyline writing at the forum, you might want to start. You will only know possibilities because we won't tell. You will realize it when it's revealed in a VU.
Juanita "Kendra" Wilde
Kendra is not only the coolest virtual sister I've ever had (14 yrs and counting), but also continues to reinvent herself to be of more help. She tackled Photoshop, and you have probably already seen her incredibly creative work in the St Patrick's Day Event Countdown, and the photo collage that was used for the event results thread. I'm sure we'll see many more creations in the future.
However, one of Kendra's main responsibilities is also marketing behind the scenes, and works with Anhithe to coordinate other outside activities like the GamerCon display booth we had during one of our St Patrick's Day events. Not sure how many of you know this, but it was Kendra's Mother who did the sketch for our Evil Green Leprechaun that MindArk did an excellent job of replicating as our first Monria pet. Kendra is also a wonderful Monria Good Will Ambassador and very helpful in the game.
There is a great deal of work that takes place out of the public eye, either on the forum or elsewhere. We have our public personas and interaction with the community, but a chunk of time is spent on Monria business in the shadows where things are coordinated for the good of the community.
The Monria Media Team is always busy brainstorming on multiple projects that we are quite excited about. There's no ETA on the reveal because some of them will take time, but as soon as something is complete, it will be announced at the forum first.
One thing I can tell you for sure ... we have a dedicated team that contribute as time permits, and we work incredibly well together. The energy is positive, the brainstorming is in full force, and we are quite exited to continue on this mission to bring exciting things to the Monria community.
We also want to thank you for your continued support with our vision and efforts to evolve Monria. We have an amazing community that is growing quite nicely, and we want to affirm that we are working with you to make the experience even greater, so continue to give us your feedback.
One last message to all of you ... "Expect the Unexpected" ... is not just reserved for our events.