Monria Sweat Circle Photos | General Discussion


Virtualsense Official
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Virtualsense Media Team
VCAT Team Member
First, it's really great that the sweat circles have picked up and are more frequently done. I think this is a good way of getting our new MBs involved, as well as giving current MBs still selling sweat to me in their 3 month allowed period of time under the Monrian Born Program.

With regard to posting photos, here is the guide for How to Add Photos to Your Post.

If you use a photo hosting site, it's best to upload your photos directly from your computer. If you use the link from the hosting site it won't transfer properly.

There is also an in-game Screen Shot icon in your Action Library under the System Tab that you can add to your desktop, or add it to a hot bar key. The photos are saved directly on your hard drive. I'll have to look up where exactly and then add it to this post.

Entropia 2019-06-01 13-51-52-45.png

To be able to take screen shots with a clear screen, add the Toggle Interface Visibility icon from your Action Library under the Interface tab to your desktop, or add it on a hot bar key for convenience.

Entropia 2019-06-01 13-56-01-30.png

Keep up the great work with the sweat circles. I'm looking forward to seeing more photos. :)


New Member
lol this is first time i knew u could take screen shot like that
i always did it old way remember the print screen and paste in painter lol
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