Monria Valentine's Event | Love is a Battlefield | Another Sacrifice?


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(a DME and ShadowDragonV banner production)
For those who don't know the story of the annual ritual human sacrifice to Yog-Sothoth at Valentines, this is historical lore. Although for some reason, they chose not to engage in the ritual last year, which is quite baffling in and of itself. However, I am guessing that it was not only because they were unsuccessful for several years, but also perhaps the one-on-one girl talk (confrontation) that ShadowDragonV had with Shub-Niggurath where Shadow showed her badass self and told Shub-Niggurath to stop the human sacrifices and cut that crap out, which in turn bought Shadow the spotlight as the human sacrifice in 2021 ... they failed there too.


I have a feeling that our reprieve was short-lived and word is there will be another attempt at this year's Valentines Event.

Perhaps it would help to share with those who don't know the history exactly what it entails ...

It was February 2017 just before Valentine's Day that we discovered an annual ritual of the Shubs that required a human sacrifice to Yog-Sothoth. We had only taken over governing Monria the end of November in 2015, and were at the beginning of establishing the new colony. We held a Valentines Day event for the community in February 2016 as a means of getting to know one another, but also to show the Shubs and Shoggs some love because they seemed to have felt slighted that the Cultists were getting so much attention.

I'm assuming that we didn't experience the Valentines human sacrifice ritual in February 2016 because we were so young a colony and the native creatures didn't think we would amount to anything. They were wrong. We were in pursuit of a coexistence with the local creatures, but they weren't having any of it because they saw us as intruders. The year 2016 was a trying year with constant battles, but one member of the community took it to a new level.

It was Angel of Shadows who persevered and became the first colonist to achieve 10k kills of the Shubs and put a nice dent in their population. This caught Shub-Niggurath's attention, and in February 2017, we had our first encounter with the annual human sacrifice to Yog-Sothoth. As a result of Angel's perseverance and dedication to taking out as much of the Shub population as possible, she earned herself an NPC in her likeness near the Shub Cavern teleporter and gives out the Shub hunting daily mission.

It might help to understand the history of this annual human sacrifice ritual and why it is important that it continue to honor Yog-Sothoth. I'm laughing right now because for 5 years the Shubs had failed to take any targeted community member hostage to use as their human sacrifice. The first two years they went after Angel of Shadows, but she showed them just how badass she was, so the third year they decided to go after yet another Shub annihilator named Tina Zlobarkata. It was again a complete failure, but Shub-Niggurath was relentless in her determination to have a victory, so she targeted yet another community member in 2020 - John Black Knight. Yes, you guessed it, that too was a failure, which is why in 2021 after ShadowDragonV's brave confrontation with Shub-Niggurath, she became the next target.

So here we are in 2023 after a year break from Shub-Niggurath's nonsense facing a very real potential for another community member to become the next human sacrifice, but we haven't learned who that might be as yet. There is undercover work being done to make that determination so we know who to protect.

Anyway, back to the history ... Yog-Sothoth is an Outer God who knows all and sees all, and a contiguous entity with all space and time, embracing the past, the present and the future. Yog-Sothoth mated with Shub-Niggurath, another Outer God, and gave birth to twin deities, Nug and Yeb. Nug sired Cthulhu, but it wasn't in the conventional way. It was through parthenogenesis, a natural form of asexual reproduction where the development of embryos occur without fertilization. Cthulhu is considered a Great Old One, but not a God.

Pleasing Yog-Sothoth has the potential of bringing knowledge of many things, but to learn too much also has the potential for courting disaster. Unfortunately, to favor this God requires the ultimate sacrifice of a human, or eternal servitude. So far, no one targeted in our community for this annual human sacrifice has been captured, and neither of them have submitted to eternal servitude.

So who will the human sacrifice target be for Valentines 2023? ... stay tuned to find out

Oh, did I forget to mention that Shub-Niggurath and her Shub minions are pissed because ...
ShadowDragonV suggested creating the Shub Spine for everyone? :p

Date | Saturday, February 11th
Time | 00:00 -to- 23:59 game time
(to determine game time -- click on your System tab in the chat box and then press U ... or
press the period key if you haven't remapped your keyboard since the graphics update)
Location | Entire Moon

  • you do not need to register at EntropiaLife for this event ... globals/hofs are automatically recorded
  • please ask questions in Monria chat as your first option, and refrain from PM'ing DME if at all possible
  • be considerate of your fellow participants during the event
  • --- this includes not cluttering TP areas in the craters with vehicles and/or landing on top of people
  • --- when going back out into the field, please be considerate of where you land and pick up vehicles
  • --- turrets don't work during our events, so please don't drag mobs to the TP areas
  • teams must have the name Monria in the team name to be eligible for prizes
  • please do not use symbols in your team name so it gets into the filter for the event data spreadsheet
  • please register your Team Name and Team Leader in this thread
  • --- any prizes won will be given to the Team Leader for distribution
  • societies cannot have more than one team name with their society name in it
  • if you hire a healer and don't team, your globals/hofs will count as Solo entries
  • if you team with a healer, or anyone else, your globals/hofs will count as Team entries
  • all of Monria is open to those who wish to participate in the mining portion of the event
  • if you get a claim in an area where you are challenged to excavate it because of mobs ...
  • --- ask in Monria chat to see if any of our VCAT members are available to assist

Date | Saturday, February 11th -- Time Begins | 00:00 game time -- Time Ends | 23:59 game time
Location | Entire Moon -- (see specific increased mob spawn locations in the link below)

Right click on the following links and open in a new tab -- these are PDF files for downloading:

Increased Mob Spawn Locations
Monria Mob Levels / HP - Wave Locations - Pets - Yogs Burrow Sweating

Also, here are links to help you navigate Monria, but also find items in shops and shopkeepers:
Right click on the links to open in a new tab.

Monria Interactive Map
Monria Shops Inventory Tool


Boss Waves will occur during each Monria monthly event at the Yogs Burrow location at DSEC Forensics:
  • the Boss Waves will run for 3 hours from 19:00 - 22:00 game time
  • the mobs are all shared loot mobs and won't count toward event prizes
  • there is an invisible revive in the tunnel-way quite close to the spawning area
  • here is a safe waypoint at the Yogs Burrow location -- [Monria, 37589, 21509, 32, Waypoint]

HEADS UP ... if you haven't done so already, make sure you pick up the:
For those still working on the chapters mission (The Order of the Elder Gods), here is Ant's response to those who have made comments, suggestions, and have questions -- hopefully this will help.

This too is a downloadable PDF file -- right click and open in a new tab.

Chapters Mission -- Ant's Statement
  • Single Highest Global/HoF -- Shoggoth -- Prize --> 200 PED -- Aurenicus Fate Averruncus
  • Single Highest Global/HoF -- Yog -- Prize --> 200 PED -- SkyGGe Ethan ForFølGeR
  • Single Highest Global/HoF -- Cultist -- Prize --> 200 PED -- Mike MikeHunt Literus
  • Single Highest Global/HoF -- Shub -- Prize --> 200 PED -- Sara Girlyn Sunshine
  • Highest Team Global/HoF -- Shoggoth -- Prize --> 200 PED -- Guess Who Monria
  • Highest Team Global/HoF -- Yog -- Prize --> 200 PED -- Sith Family on Monria
  • Highest Team Global/HoF -- Cultist -- Prize --> 200 PED -- Dingos invade Monria
  • Highest Team Global/HoF -- Shub -- Prize --> 200 PED -- Monria Zumpferl
  • Highest global/hof on any ore/enmatter -- Prize --> 200 PED -- Sara Girlyn Sunshine
  • First Lowest global on any ore/enmatter -- Prize --> 100 PED -- xXx Samuraj Mod2x
  • Last Lowest global on any ore/enmatter -- Prize --> 100 PED -- Anda StarTrek Adam

There was a total of 452 globals/hofs during the 24 hr event time.

You can see all of the results in Ant's spreadsheet here where individual global/hof totals are included.
Right click and open in a new tab.

  • Solo Hunting, Team Hunting
  • you can only win one Solo and one Team hunting prize
  • you can also win a mining prize based on the following rules
  • Mining
  • if you get the highest global/hof and one of the lowest globals ... you win the highest
  • if you win the highest, you are not eligible for either the first or last lowest global prizes
  • the person who wins the first lowest global is not eligible to win the last lowest global
  • if you get the first lowest global, you can continue mining toward getting the highest
  • Example ... you get the first lowest global and have the first recorded time
  • --- this means you win the first lowest global prize
  • --- but there's an incentive to continue mining to see if you can get the highest global/hof
  • --- if you do, then the person who had the lowest global with the time right after yours ...
  • ---------- would win the first lowest global prize
  • Additional Information
  • you can win prizes in solo/team hunting and mining based on the above rules
  • in case of a draw for any of the prizes, the first recorded time will apply
  • Anhithe will extract the data from EntropiaLife after the event and determine the winners
  • --- he will also create a gobal/hof data spreadsheet that will be posted with the results
  • the results will be added to the first post in this event thread sometime on Sunday
(formerly known as the South and West Craters)
  • from the DSEC Forensics Crater, go SE to the abandoned mine, follow the road
  • --- coordinates of the abandoned mine are --- [38487, 19936, 31]
  • --- be mindful that there are Yogs outside the abandoned mine entrance
  • --- they should be mostly off to the left unless someone aggro'd them
  • --- use the insta-teleporter just inside the abandoned mine
  • --- this will take you to the DSEC Mining Camp crater ... capture the TP and then ...
  • from the DSEC Mining Camp TP follow the road out to the abandoned mine
  • --- coordinates of the abandoned mine are --- [37744, 17987, 110]
  • --- use the insta-teleporter just inside the abandoned mine
  • --- this will take you to the DSEC Military Camp crater ... capture the TP

Sith Family on Monria

Team Leader - Sith Meister

Monria MoonLight Shadow Guild
Team Leader - Noyce theNoizeMarine Lycan

USSR on Monria
Team Leader - Morning Monria Star

Dingos invade Monria
Team Leader - Sabrehawk Ninja Papps

Monria Community Assistance Team
Team Leader - Shadow ShadowDragonV Dragon

Monria K0lb&Cool_guys
Team Leader - Tony K0lb0sa K0lbasters

Guess Who Monria
Team Leader - Michael Mike Masters

Monria Zumpferl
Team Leader - ManagJah Dex Oh




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Please register:

Team - Monria Community Assistance Team
Team Leader - Shadow ShadowDragonV Dragon


Virtualsense Official
Staff member
Community & Media Manager
Virtualsense Media Team
VCAT Team Member
Event results are in and I am adding them to the first post, I'll let you know when they're available, and then will log in to pay out prizes.


Virtualsense Official
Staff member
Community & Media Manager
Virtualsense Media Team
VCAT Team Member
Results have been added to the first post, and I am just waiting on Ant to be available to log in to collect the event prize ped, then I will start paying out the prizes. We had quite a few new winners this time. :)

Congratulations to the Winners, and as always, thank you to those who participate in our events. :thumbsup
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