Nahar City - Feels Like its Missing Something as you Wander its Streets


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VCAT Team Member
1. [Planet Toulan, 134383, 96418, 275, Waypoint]
This Area appears close to the Nahar Teleporter and feels unfinished. Large area containing the Two Trees feels like it could use for a small cluster of trees or a better tie into the building shape behind it.
2. Building in first person can be seen through. Perhaps a Door here as the building cannot be entered.
[Planet Toulan, 134364, 96397, 275, Waypoint]
3. Archways with uneven walkway counts. [Planet Toulan, 134310, 96397, 275, Waypoint]
4. Archway and Fountains Seem Lackluster. Color or texture would make this area more appealing.

Hope this Helps Make the area look a bit more appealing as missions having you walking through these streets.
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