Offering mentorship - 50 PED Reward


New Member
If you want quality mentoring by a player who's been around for over 14 years(since 2007) and discover how to play low spending style gaming then look no further!

Mentoring offer Includes:

- Advise on all subjects in this game
- Teamhunts
- Teleporter hunting
- Insight in 'hotspots' and 'perception' gains to maximise your ped to playtime ratio
- Insight in hunting, mining and crafting
- 50 PED Reward on Graduation

add me in the player register.

1 type L while not in chat
2 click on action library
3 type player register in the search box
4 look for Dura Killer Tech
5 click on friend request
6 log out
7 log back in
8 click on friends, send a private message to me.


New Member
duratech add me please when ingame im online usually mon-fri 5pm MST or so just started game last night. Thanks Qwikdraw
Ill be online on and off today ( off work )
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