Fierce is the heart of a dragon this is why we are on a mission to find all the lost Dofus to revive the rest of dragon kind but that is not enough
To be a dragon you have to master The Elements of Harmony Generosity, Honesty, Laughter, Kindness & Loyalty for together thay make Magic.

Currently we are working to acquire bases on several Entropia planets. It is our intention to acquire one on each planet and have great fun together doing so. Join us.
More information on this is available on Discord.

Welcome to ★The Friendly Dragons★☺ a society for all ages
✪ English is a requirement.
☺ Free players are welcome.
☘ Regular team hunts & events. Find more information about us On Discord and Entropia life (Ask AJ for the Discord link)

✪Discord(ask AJ for server link)
★Uniform [horns (f,m)] & [wings (f,m)]
☆what ever gear you need for day to day witch ever profession you choose skill in and how you want to approach the game. We will provide you with the information you need to succeed.

♪Help each other
♫keep chat kid friendly
♬Must have Discord
♚Going offline for 100+days will result in a kick from the soc
☠Don't be space pirate (you will be asked to unhide achievements on application)
♛Don't rip of soc members
⚒If you are broke depo or sweat or go to a rig DONT BEG

The Entropia Universe is a huge Environment & is difficult to master alone.
Joining a society is a great help. So join us ☺
Rip DragonBuddy our dragon that's flying with the angels now you may be gone but not forgotten.
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