Toulan Born Program | How It Works


Virtualsense Official
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Toulan Born Program | How it Works

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The Toulan Born Program is designed to give our new players resources that would enable them to have the best possible beginning experiences on Toulan and across the universe. Also, the community pitches in to support new players in an effort to help facilitate positive experiences and learning about how to be self-sufficient.

Virtualsense, Toulan Content Creator, is also the Content Creator for Monria and DSEC-9. We added Toulan to our virtual family on August 19, 2020. We will continue with our efforts to create a more vibrant environment not only with content, but also with a focus on boosting the economy. The Toulan Born new player experience was enhanced with more meaningful engagements that will help facilitate progression in game play. Toulan Borns are identified by their Toulan Born shirt and pants that is also their passport for boarding our Yamato Mothership and taking advantage of their free space travel benefit.

  • Toulan Everything Guide
  • --- this guide is very useful for navigating Toulan, keep it bookmarked
  • --- it includes things such as helpful links, waypoints, NPC locations, and much more
  • the Toulan Born beginner mission chain begins with Salam at the Citadel location
  • Salam is the first NPC you see when logging into the game after creating your Toulan Born avatar
  • with the beginner missions you will receive items and ammo that are useful to help you progress
  • there are other resources and activities that will help as well
  • here is the link to the Toulan Born Beginner Missions with the 20 steps listed to complete
  • there is also a mission to get your Toulan pants that aren't automatically given at the time you get the shirt
  • --- see NPC Nadira at Guardian Village to take the mission
  • --- she is located near the West Gate - turn left at the campfire before getting to the gate
  • we also created a new player beginners mission chain with items and ammo at the Mountain of Madness at DSEC-9
  • --- DSEC-9 is Monria's expansion with 3 map sections
  • --- after you travel to Monria, go to Navigating DSEC9 to learn how to get to the Mountain of Madness
  • --- then once you get there go to A Stranger in the Woods mission thread on how to do the new player mission chain
  • --- make sure to take your sweating tool with you because you will need it for this mission chain
  • prior to signing up for your free space travel benefit:
  • --- you must secure your own space travel to use during our warp schedules
  • --- we cannot guarantee a ride down to a planet from the planet's Space Station
  • --- there is no fee for traveling to a planet this way, but ...
  • --- there is a 7 ped fee if you use the Space Station teleporter down to the planet
  • --- also, once you exit the Yamato to go down to your planet of choice ...
  • ------- do not accept the first or final summons at that location or you will be back on the Yamato again
  • ------- and there may not be someone to take you back down to the planet
  • --- make sure that you have all planets and space downloaded and updated to prevent disruption
  • ------- before logging into the game, click on Tools at the bottom right of the Client Loader
  • ------- you can check there to make sure you have everything check marked and updated
  • --- periodically check the Toulan Trade channel in the game because low TT transportation items may be available
  • --- you can access the Toulan Trade channel by typing the following in your chat box
  • --- /join #toulan_trade
  • --- required for space travel would be -- a low TT Sleipnir, low TT or full TT Space Thruster, and Oil
  • --- low TT = low item condition
  • --- some may sell transportation sets who aren't necessarily connected to this Toulan Born Program
  • --- check the Toulan Auction if none are available in Toulan Trade, or from someone selling them
  • --- you can also advertise in the Toulan Trade channel that you're looking to buy these items
  • ALSO
  • --- make sure you do your 8 posts to see the Shoutbox at the Virtualsense forum
  • --- this is how we communicate with our passengers during a warp schedule
  • --- especially if they need to log out until it is safe to log in at their destination
  • THEN ... only after you have your own transportation and have done the 8 posts
  • sign up for your free Virtualsense Space Travel benefit and be added to the Yamato guest list
  • --- follow the instructions in the first post exactly and make sure to indicate that you are Toulan Born
  • --- our Warp Schedule is on Fridays and Sundays only, but we travel to all planets
  • --- however, during the Toulan Monthly weekend-long events we run our warp schedules on Thursday and Monday
  • --- please do not wait until the last minute to sign up for your free travel benefit
  • --- and don't sign up on an actual day of travel because there may not be enough time
  • --- if you sign up on a Friday or Sunday, you may not get added to the Yamato guest list in time
  • --- be sure to wear your Toulan Born shirt and pants so you are identified as traveling free
  • --- go to Virtualsense Community Assistance Team to see what services are provided by VCAT members
  • --- go to Toulan Volunteer Mentors to see introductions from Toulan community members
  • --- check their information to see their qualifications and if their time zone fits with yours
  • --- go to Guide to Choosing a Mentor to help you make a wise choice
  • Toulan Resources
  • Toulan Missions
  • Toulan Mobs
Be sure to join the in-game Toulan & Monria Chat Channels to stay connected:
  • in the chat box at the bottom left, press the ENTER key and type --> /join #toulan
  • then do the same thing with --> /join #monria
  • right mouse click on the Main tab in the chat box on the left (first tab)
  • click New Tab at the top, then name the tab --> Toulan
  • do the same thing and name the next new tab --> Monria
  • right click on each of the tabs
  • select #toulan and come into the chat channel to introduce yourself, then do the same for the #monria tab
  • be sure to make each channel a different text color - right clicking on the channel tab gives this option
  • both communities are friendly and very helpful
  • keep the Toulan and Monria chat channels active because it's a good place to ask questions
  • also follow the same steps to join the Monria and Toulan trade channels: #monriatrade -and- #toulan_trade
Here are other links that will be helpful in learning about Toulan and navigating your experiences:
  • Toulan Shops Inventory Tool ... everything at your fingertips
  • --- booths and shops were released on Dec 1, 2020
  • --- there are currently 10 booths and/or shops stocked and active
  • --- this includes WangXiang's Pet Stable with booth and shop outside Guardian Village
  • Toulan Events ... there are official events and player-created events
  • --- the monthly event is a full 48 hour frenetic weekend
  • Virtualsense Quarterly Magazines
  • --- includes an exclusive VIP interviews with Toulan, Monria and DSEC-9's Content Creator
  • --- you can learn a lot about what development has taken place since the Sep 1st, 2020 VU release
  • Toulan Official Lore
  • --- the Toulan official lore will be created into its own PDF format as soon as possible
  • --- this section is both official lore as well as player-contributed history of Toulan
  • Virtualsense Official Discord ... this is an invite link that does not expire
  • --- there is a Toulan, Monria and DSEC-9 and Mountain of Madness section with useful information
  • --- connect with other community members and learn more, or share your own experiences
  • --- also, you can connect with the Virtualsense Community Manager here when she's offline
The following is for when you visit Monria:

(formerly known as the South and West Craters)
  • from the DSEC Forensics Crater, go SE to the abandoned mine, follow the road
  • --- coordinates of the abandoned mine are --- [38487, 19936, 31]
  • --- be mindful that there are Yogs outside the abandoned mine entrance
  • --- they should be mostly off to the left unless someone aggro'd them
  • --- use the insta-teleporter just inside the abandoned mine
  • --- this will take you to the DSEC Mining Camp crater ... capture the TP and then ...
  • from the DSEC Mining Camp TP follow the road out to the abandoned mine
  • --- coordinates of the abandoned mine are --- [37744, 17987, 110]
  • --- use the insta-teleporter just inside the abandoned mine
  • --- this will take you to the DSEC Military Camp crater ... be sure to capture the TP


Virtualsense Official
Staff member
Community & Media Manager
Virtualsense Media Team
VCAT Team Member
The first post has been updated with current and additional information.


Virtualsense Official
Staff member
Community & Media Manager
Virtualsense Media Team
VCAT Team Member
The first post has been updated with the most current info and links.


Virtualsense Official
Staff member
Community & Media Manager
Virtualsense Media Team
VCAT Team Member
The first post has once again been updated with the most current information ... the Yamato Repair Skilling Program is not operating at this time ... if it relaunches at a point in the future, I will update the first post again.


Virtualsense Official
Staff member
Community & Media Manager
Virtualsense Media Team
VCAT Team Member
The first post has been updated with additional information, including the Mountain of Madness new player mission chain at DSEC-9.


Virtualsense Official
Staff member
Community & Media Manager
Virtualsense Media Team
VCAT Team Member
The first post has been updated with the most current information available.
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