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Original Launch Date: Friday -- January 8, 2016
Virtualsense Mothership: Yamato
ALERTOriginal Launch Date: Friday -- January 8, 2016
Virtualsense Mothership: Yamato
- our warp schedule will be Thursday and Monday during the weekend-long monthly Toulan event
- --- see the 2025 Toulan Monthly Event Schedule for details
- this is due to the Toulan weekend-long monthly event from 19:00 game time on Friday until midnight or after on Sunday
- ---> 19:00 Monria to Toulan -- first summons 18:45 -- final summons 18:55 game time
- ---> 19:30 Toulan to Arkadia -- first summons 19:15 -- final summons 19:25 game time
- ---> 20:00 Arkadia to Calypso -- first summons 19:45 -- final summons 19:55 game time
- ---> 20:30 Calypso to Rocktropia -- first summons 20:15 -- final summons 20:25 game time
- ---> 21:00 Rocktropia to Cyrene -- first summons 20:45 -- final summons 20:55 game time
- ---> 21:30 Cyrene to Next Island -- first summons 21:15 -- final summons 21:25 game time
- ---> 22:00 Next Island to Howling Mine -- first summons 21:45 -- final summons 21:55 game time
- ---> 22:30 Howling Mine to Toulan -- first summons 22:15 -- final summons 22:25 game time
- ---> 23:00 Toulan to Monria -- first summons 22:45 -- final summons 22:55 game time
- Thursday instead of Friday -- same warp schedule route and times
- Monday instead of Sunday -- same warp schedule route and times
- make sure you have all planets and space downloaded before you travel with us
- there is no longer a 7 ped fee to travel from a SS to a planet so you can take the Yamato TP down to the SS
- as a result, we won't be doing low-orbit drops at Calypso anymore
- --- make sure to do the 8 posts to see the forum Shoutbox if you haven't already
- --- this is how we communicate with our passengers during warps
- --- it's to let them know when we are at their destination and it's safe to log back in to exit
- we do a First Summons 15 mins and Final Summons 5 mins before leaving each location
- we always begin our travel schedule at Monria at 19:00 game time
- we like to keep our schedules on time, so please be mindful of when we do the Summons
- remember to bring a repair kit with you to help at repair stations should we need it
- our warp schedule is as long as it is because we cater to our trade passengers who own estates at our 3 locations (Monria, DSEC9/Larches Green and Toulan) ... it gives them an opportunity to go down to the planet and conduct business, and then have time to catch the final summons ... this will not be changed
If you are eligible for the free space travel benefit and are not yet on the Yamato guest list, please post your full in-game name on the main sign-up list here and indicate what applies to you. You will receive an in-game friend request from the Monria Fleet Manager, and once the request is accepted, you will be added to the Yamato guest list.
If you are a paying passenger, you can check fees here.