Virtualsense Space Travel Program | Schedule


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Original Launch Date: Friday -- January 8, 2016
Virtualsense Mothership: Yamato

  • our warp schedule will be Thursday and Monday during the weekend-long monthly Toulan event
  • --- see the 2025 Toulan Monthly Event Schedule for details
  • this is due to the Toulan weekend-long monthly event from 19:00 game time on Friday until midnight or after on Sunday
  • ---> 19:00 Monria to Toulan -- first summons 18:45 -- final summons 18:55 game time
  • ---> 19:30 Toulan to Arkadia -- first summons 19:15 -- final summons 19:25 game time
  • ---> 20:00 Arkadia to Calypso -- first summons 19:45 -- final summons 19:55 game time
  • ---> 20:30 Calypso to Rocktropia -- first summons 20:15 -- final summons 20:25 game time
  • ---> 21:00 Rocktropia to Cyrene -- first summons 20:45 -- final summons 20:55 game time
  • ---> 21:30 Cyrene to Next Island -- first summons 21:15 -- final summons 21:25 game time
  • ---> 22:00 Next Island to Howling Mine -- first summons 21:45 -- final summons 21:55 game time
  • ---> 22:30 Howling Mine to Toulan -- first summons 22:15 -- final summons 22:25 game time
  • ---> 23:00 Toulan to Monria -- first summons 22:45 -- final summons 22:55 game time
  • Thursday instead of Friday -- same warp schedule route and times
  • Monday instead of Sunday -- same warp schedule route and times
Things that Yamato passengers need to be mindful of:
  • make sure you have all planets and space downloaded before you travel with us
  • there is no longer a 7 ped fee to travel from a SS to a planet so you can take the Yamato TP down to the SS
  • as a result, we won't be doing low-orbit drops at Calypso anymore
  • --- make sure to do the 8 posts to see the forum Shoutbox if you haven't already
  • --- this is how we communicate with our passengers during warps
  • --- it's to let them know when we are at their destination and it's safe to log back in to exit
  • we do a First Summons 15 mins and Final Summons 5 mins before leaving each location
  • we always begin our travel schedule at Monria at 19:00 game time
  • we like to keep our schedules on time, so please be mindful of when we do the Summons
  • remember to bring a repair kit with you to help at repair stations should we need it
  • our warp schedule is as long as it is because we cater to our trade passengers who own estates at our 3 locations (Monria, DSEC9/Larches Green and Toulan) ... it gives them an opportunity to go down to the planet and conduct business, and then have time to catch the final summons ... this will not be changed
Currently, individuals eligible for the free space travel benefit include all Monrian Born and Toulan Born participants as evidenced by their exclusive new player outfits, Yamato Crew, Monria/Toulan/Larches Green Shop/Booth/Stall/Apartment estate owners, and those who have completed the Toulan Citizenship Mission gaining the Toulan Born exclusive outfit.

If you are eligible for the free space travel benefit and are not yet on the Yamato guest list, please post your full in-game name on the main sign-up list here and indicate what applies to you. You will receive an in-game friend request from the Monria Fleet Manager, and once the request is accepted, you will be added to the Yamato guest list.

If you are a paying passenger, you can check fees


Official PED Donator, Friend of Lootius
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I am sure there will be plenty of opportunities to get involved in stuff Dragus. We got a whole bunch of stuff planned and it's only going to get better from here.



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I can't make today's travel schedule. I'm down with an exploding head and sore throat. Hopefully Ant or Kendra can take over for me. I sent an email to Ant about it.


Well-Known Member
Get better soon DME! You may have overworked yourself so relax and take a day or two to get back on your feet! We will all miss you in game and hope for a speedy recovery :)


Virtualsense Official
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Thanks you guys, appreciate the well wishes. However, I didn't overwork myself, it was a family member who went on an outing with another family member in the cold, came down with a bug, and then properly gave it to me.

Isn't that how it works. :rolleyes


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Question: if we need to log out, how do we know when it is safe to log back in? Do you have a skype channel or other off game communication?


Virtualsense Official
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Question: if we need to log out, how do we know when it is safe to log back in? Do you have a skype channel or other off game communication?

I just sent you a PM Mikaile, and we are working on a notification system that is more efficient. :)
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New Member
I sure hope I have this figured out right. I am new and followed some advice my first day and ported to Calypso and have been trying to get home since. Looking forward to getting beamed up Sunday. Thank you for the great service.


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How do we board? When? Where? I would really like a ride to Calypso.

You need to go to this thread and first determine if you are eligible for the free travel program.

If you are Monrian-born, then you are, and you'll need to post in that thread your full game name.



I'm still very new, haven't even hit a month in EU yet, but wanted to give a big THANK YOU for this service. I've been able to spend some time on the other planets, and get a better grasp of the game. Also, as a hoarder, I have been able to make plans to safely consolidate my storage's between the 3 planets, and that is an immense boon! I remember see'ing calls for a "repair trip", and I would certainly like to learn how I can help repair the ship while I'm onboard! See you all again this Friday


Virtualsense Official
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Thank you Roj, it's always nice to get feedback on how our programs are working for the community. We will be doing a relaunch on the MNAT program very soon, and I would recommend all new, relatively new, and even those who have been around for a while to attend the classes. One of the classes will have a repair skilling session on the Yamato as a field trip.

In the meantime, I am also working with Shade on the space travel and repair skilling programs and since Shade has taken over management of these programs, he has spent time getting them reorganized, and I'll be doing a post about it quite soon. We're very pleased with the new direction.

If you want to join our travel schedule tomorrow, Shade will be our pilot, and I think he's going to do a repair skilling run either before or after, not sure which yet. We can make sure you have an RK-5 repair tool and welding wire if you've never done this before.

I'm glad the free travel program has been beneficial for you.
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