Where'd the Shrine go?

Tedros Daemonos

Active Member
Volunteer Mentor
VS Media Team
Yamato Pilot
VCAT Team Member
You may already be aware, but there seems to be an issue with the Shrine rendering properly for the Dynamic Event 1 - Defend the Shrine. Just wanted to be sure, so made this posting.

-The Shrine is there (although invisible), can see the Cult of Shut'thend in a square formation attacking the Shrine around where the Shrine should be.

-The Shrine does fall as it should to do the "Reclaim the Shrine" version of the event and can continue with the event once the phase count changes on Tracked Missions and when the marked version of the Cult of Shut'thend make their appearance.

We were able to complete the reclaim version.

Might be difficult to do the normal version, but probably not impossible. Just let the Cult of Shut'thend lead the way to repair the Shrine!

Who knows, maybe Decca is working some crazy magic to prevent our defense!

Edit - Apologies for not taking a screenshot of the issue while in progress.

Thank you in advance
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