Dynamic Event 4 - Ghreldelb Lair


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Dynamic Event 4.png

  • Located by ‘Ghreldelb Lair’ Teleporter - /wp [DSEC9, 38634, 20078, 312, Waypoint]
  • The Event is triggered by at least 5 people entering the area at random times during the day (1 hour cool down period)
  • The Group must successfully complete all waves (including the boss) and contribute to 100% Tier 3 to receive Tegunestene Spine, which is the 3rd of 3 items needed to get the Shub Spine.
  • An Elder Blessing is bestowed upon each member of the Group with success. The Elder Blessing is a skill increase buff lasting one hour with the strength determined by the Contribution Tier Reached.​
Mission: Prove Yourself To The Order (You can get it from ShadowDragonV after completing the Join The Elder Gods)
Additional Mission: (after completing The Black Knight's mission) - Serve The Black Knight

Phase 1/5

Entropia 2022-09-15 18.24.46.png


Phase 2/5

Entropia 2022-09-15 18.56.58.png
Entropia 2022-09-15 18.50.56.png

L58 L63

Phase 3/5

Entropia 2022-09-15 18.50.56.png
Entropia 2022-09-15 19.26.26.png

L63 L71

Phase 4/5

Entropia 2022-09-15 19.54.48.png


Phase 5/5
Killing the boss will END the event.

Entropia 2022-09-16 16.49.56.png

Random mix spawn of Tegunestene

Upon Completion, you will get the Tegunestene Spine (if you got to Tier 3 @100%) and an Elder Blessing.
Make sure after receiving this item that you keep it safe in your inventory so it doesn't get traded with loot.​

  • It's key to work together as a group and engage in teamwork to assure the success of achieving the goal for everyone.
  • Sometimes it means lowering your dps if you've achieved the Tier 3 @100% to allow others more of a chance to reach their goal, and/or healing someone who could use the help.
  • Also, holding off killing the boss at Phase 5 is key too if there are some who haven't achieved their goal of Tier 3 @100%. It's easier to do this with the mountain dynamic events than the Shrine event.
  • It's also important to pay attention to the local chat where each in the group should report what Tier and % they're at.
  • It's easier for lower level players to achieve the Tier 3 @100% in this event because the mobs have higher levels.
  • It was said that the lowest level player to have a chance at success is Level 13 with the help of the group, but we have seen lower level players than that be able to achieve the goal because the group was just that patient - again, it's a choice the group makes.
  • The main thing is to enjoy yourselves and have fun while keeping the goal in mind.
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New Member
Shop Owner
I like wave events. as soon as I have time to go to the waves, I go to them. and I can't launch these waves alone, there need 5 players. the players do not respond to the request to help me launch a wave. as a result, you lose a couple of hours and I leave the planet. you spend time and money on promoting the game, and you don't let the players play)))


Virtualsense Official
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I like wave events. as soon as I have time to go to the waves, I go to them. and I can't launch these waves alone, there need 5 players. the players do not respond to the request to help me launch a wave. as a result, you lose a couple of hours and I leave the planet. you spend time and money on promoting the game, and you don't let the players play)))

Hello Mercy ... as you know, 5 players are required at a wave to trigger it, and as Little Star said, it might be a time zone situation. The dynamic events were not designed for single player activities. I can concur with Little Star and state that since the VU, and Patch especially, I have been online many hours and witnessed a lot of group play, including inside the mountain with the dynamic events.

The dynamic events inside the mountain are basically constant and I see quite a few announcing in Monria chat that waves have either started, or they need players to start one. It could be at times that some are at the Shrine event, but as soon as that has ended, many of them head to the mountain to do those wave events.

We specifically focused on group activities requiring team work with this recent VU, and I can say without a doubt that this won't change. As far as how many players are required to trigger each of the events, if that were to change in any way with less required, which I'm not sure would happen, you still might have a challenge because these will never be single player events.

Over all, the feedback on these dynamic events has been incredibly positive, and there is a constant flow of players enjoying them multiple times because they like the group activity dynamic, as well as engaging in team work to help everyone achieve their goal.

The one thing that was mentioned is not liking the Shrine cool down which we actually changed to 2-4 hrs from 3-5 hrs.

At this point, what I can tell you is that the feedback from the community is important to us in order to make sure that the experiences are enjoyable and rewarding, and I know that Ant is paying attention to that, so give him some time to sort through it. However, just as a reminder, if in the end any changes were to be made, it would take a VU in order to do so.


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Additional information has been added to the first post to help navigate this dynamic event.
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