Mining around Toulan


Well-Known Member
2020_12 Toulan map forum.png

* confirmed in 2025

Nahar City
ENMATTER: Alicenies Liquid, Azur Pearls, Binary Fluid, Cave Sap*, Crude Oil, Force Nexus*, Mamnoon*, Nawa Drops*, Nawa Fragment, Qaz Worm, Sweetstuff, Youd*
ORE: Aqeeq Stone*, Caldorite Stone, Iron Stone*, Lysterium Stone*, Maro Stone*, Narcanisum Stone*, Qasdeer Stone*, Sunburnst Stone*, Yashib Stone, Zinc Stone*, Zircon Stone

Al-Nahar Snow Mountain
ENMATTER: Azur Pearls, Cave Sap*, Crude Oil*, Force Nexus, Ghali*, Mamnoon*, Melchi Water*, Nawa Drops*, Nawa Fragment, Qaz Worm, Sham*, Sweetstuff, Youd*
ORE: Aqeeq Stone, Belkar Stone, Caldorite Stone*, Fairuz Stone*, Gold Stone*, Iron Stone, Lulu Stone, Lysterium Stone*, Maro Stone, Narcanisum Stone*, Qasdeer Stone*, Redulite Ore, Sunburnst Stone, Yashib Stone*, Zinc Stone*, Zircon Stone

Pit North
ENMATTER: Acid Root, Alicenies Liquid, Binary Fluid*, Crude Oil*, Ghali, Melchi Water*, Mamnoon, Nawa Drops*, Nawa Fragment, Qaz Worm*, Sham*, Youd*
ORE: Aqeeq Stone*, Belkar Stone*, Caldorite Stone*, Fairuz Stone, Gold Stone, Ignisium Stone, Lulu Stone*, Lysterium Stone*, Narcanisum Stone*, Qasdeer Stone, Redulite Ore, Sunburst Stone*, Zircon Stone*

Pit South
ENMATTER: Acid Root, Alicenies Liquid, Azur Pearls, Binary Fluid, Cave Sap, Ghali*, Nawa Drops*, Qaz Worm*, Sham*, Sweetstuff
ORE: Aqeeq Stone*, Fairuz Stone, Lulu Stone*, Lysterium Stone*, Qasdeer Stone, Sunburnst Stone*, Zircon Stone

Snow Stretch
ENMATTER: Acid Root*, Alicenies Liquid, Azur Pearls, Binary Fluid*, Crude Oil*, Ghali*, Mamnoon*, Melchi Water*, Nawa Drops*, Nawa Fragment, Qaz Worm*, Sham, Sweetstuff, Youd*
ORE: Aqeeq Stone*, Belkar Stone*, Caldorite Stone*, Fairuz Stone*, Gold Stone*, Ignisium Stone*, Iron Stone, Lysterium Stone*, Maro Stone, Narcanisum Stone, Qasdreer Stone*, Sunburnst Stone, Zinc Stone, Zircon Stone*

Sandy Shores South
ENMATTER: Alicenies Liquid, Binary Fluid*, Cave Sap, Ghali*, Mamnoon*, Nawa Drops*, Nawa Fragment, Qaz Worm*, Sweetstuff
ORE: Aqeeq Stone*, Fairuz Stone*, Ignisium Stone*, Iolite Stone*, Lysterium Stone*, Maro Stone*

Event Isle
ENMATTER: Acid Root, Binary Fluid, Cave Sap, Ghali, Mamnoon, Melchi Water, Nawa Drops, Qaz Worm, Sweetstuff*
ORE: Aqeeq Stone*, Fairuz Stone, Ignisium Stone*, Iolite Stone, Iron Stone, Lysterium Stone, Maro Stone, Yashib Stone, Zinc Stone

Sandy Shores West
ENMATTER: Acid Root*, Binary Fluid, Cave Sap, Ghali, Mamnoon*, Melchi Water, Nawa Drops*, Nawa Fragment, Qaz Worm, Sweetstuff
ORE: Aqeeq Stone*, Iolite Stone, Iron Stone*, Lysterium Stone*, Maro Stone*, Redulite Ore, Yashib Stone*, Zinc Stone*

Jelly Zone
ENMATTER: Acid Root*, Alicenies Liquid, Azur Pearls, Binary Fluid, Cave Sap, Crude Oil, Force Nexus*, Mamnoon*, Nawa Drops*, Qaz Worm, Sweetstuff, Youd
ORE: Aqeeq Stone*, Belkar Stone, Iron Stone*, Lysterium Stone*, Maro Stone*, Yashib Stone*, Zinc Stone*

Miner's Isle
ENMATTER: Alicenies Liquid, Azur Pearls*, Crude Oil*, Force Nexus*, Ghali, Mamnoon*, Nawa Drops*, Nawa Fragment, Qaz Worm*, Sham*, Youd*
ORE: Aqeeq Stone*, Fairuz Stone*, Iron Stone, Lysterium Stone*, Maro Stone*, Zircon Stone*

Flora and Fauna Center
ENMATTER: Azur Pearls, Binary Fluid*, Cave Sap, Crude Oil, Force Nexus, Mamnoon, Nawa Drops, Qaz Worm*, Sweetstuff*, Youd*
ORE: Aqeeq Stone, Iron Stone, Lysterium Stone*

Dam Cliff
ENMATTER: Binary Fluid, Cave Sap*, Crude Oil*, Ghali, Mamnoon*, Nawa Drops*, Qaz Worm, Sweetstuff*, Youd*
ORE: Aqeeq Stone*, Belkar Stone, Lysterium Stone*, Redulite Ore, Sunburnst Stone*, Zinc Stone

Guardian Village
ENMATTER: Acid Root, Binary Fluid, Cave Sap*, Crude Oil*, Ghali*, Mamnoon*, Melchi Water, Nawa Drops*, Nawa Fragment, Qaz Worm*, Sweetstuff, Youd*
ORE: Aqeeq Stone*, Belkar Stone*, Caldorite Stone*, Fairuz Stone*, Gold Stone*, Iron Stone*, Lysterium Stone*, Yashib Stone*, Zircon Stone*, Zinc Stone

ENMATTER: Acid Root*, Alicenies Liquid, Azur Pearls, Binary Fluid*, Cave Sap*, Force Nexus, Melchi Water*, Nawa Drops*, Nawa Fragment, Qaz Worm*, Youd*
ORE: Aqeeq Stone*, Iron Stone*, Lysterium Stone*, Maro Stone, Redulite Ore, Yashib Stone*, Zinc Stone*

Thanks to Gunner who found Redulite
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Virtualsense Official
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Wow Sherwood, that's awesome, thank you very much for sharing your mining experience, this rocks. :thumbsup


Well-Known Member
Added some resources here and there. +/- another 1000ped of probes.

The rarest ore native of Toulan is Qasdreer Stone, about the Universe resources Redulite ofc, never found so far by me followed by Iolite Stone.

The rarest enmatter native of Toulan is Nawa Fragment ofc, I found it just 3 times with the TT finder (L)... I burnt at least 20 of them, followed by the Qaz Worm that can be found almost everywhere. About the Universe resources, if you mine enmatter Cave Sap is quite common and lately it sells at a very high MU. The rarest so far is still Force Nexus that started to be found just since last VU.


Well-Known Member
The mining areas and resources are still valid, I noticed that Maro stones, Gold stones and Sweetstuff are disappeared, probabilly because I switched from F-105 with 3 mining depth enhancer to a plain F-105... but! Let me know your finds new and old if I have to update the lists


Active Member
Shop Owner
OK! >< lmfao this is the start of hopefully something beautiful! lol I took the work the amazing Sherwood has already done and kinda took it a step further hopefully we can help evolve it further as time goes. I'll be keeping track of data and ill up date this document as time goes on but, I will say a disclaimer to everyone that needs it. This data is in no way GARUNTEED data...this data is compiled from the work of personal experience from Sherwood here and the data collected via Also, im still new to LBML i couldn't find 100% planet specific data do info on ore/enmatter found on multiple planets it will be a compilation ofc. The primary objective here is just to give us a rough ballpark and maybe those new to the game a perspective of where and whats the best areas for them and their equipment.
As always if you have info to add let me know here or in game and ill try to implement it to better serve everyone.

I thought I could just attach the document guess not >< so, here's screenshots of what ive compiled.

Green=Toulan Only Material
(If I have something backwards let me know :p)

*Also, if this isn't something you guys care about let me know and I can just keep it on my side

Toulan 1.png Toulan 2.png Toulan 3.png Toulan 4.png


Well-Known Member
Thanks for that, FireFist! If I'm following your spreadsheets correctly, that looks like F-105 might be the best all around finder in terms of being unlimited and for searching around most Toulan specific resources' average search depth.

I haven't mined much in a very long time, but I've found this thread super useful. Thanks everyone!

Heidi Stassinopolis

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I have been finding recently that using a DSEC L30 with no amps or enhancers generally returns 98-105% before MU is included, the depth on that is 820.9 and the mix of resources is quite varied.

Obviously that is going to work differently for people with different mining skills.


Well-Known Member
I don't know if this thread is still active for collecting info, but I'm taking a hard look at the Flora & Fauna area, figuring out the tree spawning algorithm, and there is definitely Sweetstuff findable with unamped F-105 & the TT finder. Your mileage may vary, but I'm at lvl 40 surveyor, if that helps.



On a side note, I've been working on finding the most zen way to play the game, so if I don't respond to in game chat, i'm probably just using my zen mode setup with minimal UI.
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Well-Known Member
I don't know if this thread is still active for collecting info, but I'm taking a hard look at the Flora & Fauna area, figuring out the tree spawning algorithm, and there is definitely Sweetstuff findable with unamped F-105 & the TT finder. Your mileage may vary, but I'm at lvl 40 surveyor, if that helps.

On a side note, I've been working on finding the most zen way to play the game, so if I don't respond to in game chat, i'm probably just using my zen mode setup with minimal UI.

Added Sweetstuff to Flora and Fauna, thank you Truman
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