Monria Volunteer Mentor | Shadow ShadowDragonV Dragon


Well-Known Member
Volunteer Mentor
Virtualsense Media Team
VCAT Co-Founder
VCAT Team Member
Monria Volunteer Mentor

| Shadow ShadowDragonV Dragon |

Game experience --> I started my account on the 24th of September 2017. Born on Calypso, joining my husband Malgar. We spent our first few months there, exploring, getting to know the game. I did my discipleship under my mentor Lone Eagle Hawk and completed it just over 2 months and then in February 2018 we came to Monria for an event (Valentines Day event) and fell in love with the moon (ironically) and became a part of an amazing comMOONity and found our in-game home.

I am co-manager of Monria Community Assistance Team (MCAT) and a member of the Monria Volunteer Support Team (MVST).

I do everything that I possibly can in-game as and when I can and continuously getting skills.

Mentor qualifications --> I love being able to help someone out in any way that I can, sharing the knowledge that I have learnt along the way.

Mentoring is a brain to pick, an ear to listen, and a push in the right direction, I hope to be able to do that for my disciples. There is no time limit that you need to do it in, every person has their own pace, ask as many questions as you want. I'll be there to guide you.

Time zone --> GMT +2 (2 hours ahead of Entropia Game Time)

Availability --> I am on every day, mostly afternoon and evening time.

Please contact me in game if you are interested in taking me as a mentor.

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